Axis of Logic
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Media Critiques
Why is there a war? BBC continues to mislead
By Arturo Rosales writes from Caracas – Axis of Logic Exclusive
Submitted by Author
Friday, Aug 13, 2021

It's simply amazing how sly and slimy the BBC has become telling half the story behind the Afghan conflict in order to mislead its readers. [see their latest rubbish report here]

One of the most important reasons for the US invasion of Afghanistan was to secure a route to build a gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea to capture energy sources, and export them to the US via Pakistani ports.

The Taliban would not allow the pipeline to be built so an invasion was necessary - exactly the same reason for the attempt to depose Assad in Syria: to build a pipeline through his territory.

In the case of Afghanistan, the company contracted to build the pipeline was Unocal and Mr Karzai, the puppet president installed by the US in Kabul, happened to be a Unocal executive. What a coincidence.

Maybe the BBC could be more honest in its reporting and not omit details which show that multinational economic interests are driven by US troops and its military when and where deemed necessary to serve wider US national interests.

You also fail to contextualize the history of invasions into Afghanistan by mentioning the three invasions by the British Empire in the late 19th century which all resulted in failure, defeat and withdrawal. The Soviets were also defeated as has been the US and its allies in a withdrawal which is even more humiliating than the pull-out from Vietnam.

Finally, your reporting on what is portrayed as a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan is also completely wrong headed. The Taliban are reclaiming - as part of the Afghan people - territory ceded during the western occupation. This is not an invasion, but BBC policy is to demonize these people as if they were fanatics such as ISIS were.

Despite his death, it now looks as if the legacy of Mullah Omar may be vindicated.

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