Axis of Logic
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The Rise and Rise of neo-Fascism in Australia
By Ghali Hassan | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic exclusive
Thursday, Sep 23, 2021

The Australian filmmaker and journalist John Pilger accurately described Australia as the “Secret Country”, where the “government” works in secrecy and behind closed doors to make decisions and enact draconian laws that have detrimental effects on the majority of Australians. The COVID-19 pandemic allows the Australian government to pursue its agenda of complete control over the population.

Under the guise of protecting Australians’ health, the government – a tiny rich white elite – rolled out a new system of control over Australians. Although it’s now clear that COVID-19 vaccinations do not prevent infection or transmission, they have provided the government with formidable pretexts to impose new draconian laws (“measures”), including QR-codes and “Vaccines Passport” to access aspects of daily life. These laws that are set to be permanent are imposed on the population by a Nazi-like regime that uses Gestapo-like police force to have its way. There are no checks and balances to stop the Australian government from abusing the laws. For example, police have been accessing QR data – being gathered exclusively for public health reasons – for their own use.

While Australia is not in the midst of major health crisis, Australians are psychologically conditioned by state-controlled fear and false propaganda to march in lockstep with a police state and believe that only lockdowns, masks and vaccines can keep them safe. Millions of Australians are currently under strict lockdowns and, it seems, they would be forced to vaccinate if it meant they could live a normal “free” life. Australians are being arrested for kissing in public, walking on the beach and not wearing masks. Anyone who challenges these draconian laws via protests faces fines of up to $11,000 dollars. Police have also carried out home visits to people who merely promote anti-lockdowns demonstrations via social media. The worst is that now police officers can enter homes with neither a warrant nor a permission.

Many of these new draconian laws and measures have nothing to do with COVID-19. They are being forced on Australians without debate or due process. For example, one of the most draconian and controversial secrecy has been the hastily passed surveillance law – the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill - greatly expanding government surveillance powers, that allows law enforcement to hack into people’s devices and collect, delete, or even add to and alter the data therein, as well as take control of their social media accounts. The Bill is destined to be abused. It is just the latest in a continuing expansion of government surveillance powers in Australia that has been going on for years. The Bill is the latest in the government’s arsenal of surveillance powers to crackdown on freedom and civil liberties and control the population.

But, let’s not be naïve. Australia is not a democracy per se. Democracy is an illusion enforced by rigged elections. Australia isn’t different from the U.S. and Britain. The media (led by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp) and the Israeli Jewish Lobby decide who will be “leader”. Australia is one of a few nations that have no bill of rights. “The Australian Constitution remains almost completely as it was when enacted in 1901, while the Constitutions of the Australian states can go back as far as the 1850s. The legal systems and Constitutions of the nation and the Australian colonies (and then states) were conceived at a time when human rights tended not to be protected through a single legal instrument,” writes Dr George Williams, Professor of law at the University of New South Wales and Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Australia is using COVID-19 as a pretext to crackdown on freedom, civil liberties and human rights of Australians.

The states of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria are calling the shot. “You have been warned. If you’re not vaccinated, come forward and get the vaccine, otherwise you won’t be able to participate in the many freedoms that people have at 70 per cent vaccination,” said the premier of NSW, Australia’s most populated state. The city of Sydney is currently under Australia's longest and strictest lockdown where millions of people are confined to their homes.

Meanwhile, in Victoria, Australia’s second most populated state, people face similar restrictions. Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city is under its sixth lockdown. Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews warned: “There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated … We are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be”. It is nothing short of a police state. It is alleged that Victoria has recorded 822 COVID-19 deaths – in truth, we don’t know how they died - since March 2020. To put this figure in perspective, more than 950 Victorians have died from suicide over the same period.

The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was quick to endorse the state premiers. He warned: "Any venue, any pub, any cafe, any restaurant, any shop can, has every right under Australia's property laws to be able to deny entry to people who are unvaccinated." Unperturbed, Mr Morrison announced the procurement of one million doses of Moderna Covid-19 vaccines from Europe. Japan has recently suspended the use of more than 1.6 million doses of Moderna vaccines over “contamination”.

Furthermore, the NSW Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant said recently: “We need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines for the future … I can’t see COVID is not going to be with us forever.” Simply regurgitating recent American war criminal presidents, Dr Chant added: It is a “New World Order” in which Western neo-Fascist regimes enforcing their draconian rules on the rest of the world. The “New World Order” is the ultimate goal of Agenda ID2020 to control world population – an extremely worrisome ideology that is very close to eugenics – by a small clique of wealthy Western white elite. “I can assure you that the commonwealth government has purchased large quantities of vaccine into 2022 and this will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination as we learn more about when immunity wanes.” No serious doctor can make such an unscientific comment. Back in July, she warned Australians not to engage in conversation with their own friends and neighbours, even if they’re wearing masks.
Despite the lockdowns and draconian laws and measures, the Australian government and public health officials failed – most likely intentionally – to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The so-called “lucky country” – in truth a racist police state – is unable to produce a vaccine and relies heavily on outside sources. Nearly two years in and Australia is still lagging behind the majority of countries who have moved from COVID-19 to a post-COVID-19 future. Millions of people around the world have decided that getting back to normal is the best way of dealing with the virus. “The functioning public gets about the business of working, learning, traveling, recreating and generally living with the virus in play.”

According to Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff, research showing that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than vaccines means vaccine passports are both unscientific and discriminatory, since they disproportionately affect working class individuals. “Natural immunity is far superior to the protection you get from the COVID-19 shot, because when you recover from the infection, your body makes antibodies against all five proteins of the virus, plus memory T cells that remain even once antibody levels diminish”, writes Dr Joseph Mecola. Vaccine passports would be immoral and a massive government overreach even in the absence of these findings. There is simply no historical parallel for governments attempting to restrict the movements of healthy people over a respiratory virus in this manner. In the case of the Delta variant, natural immunity is much more protective than vaccination.
The ongoing lockdowns turned Australia into a “prison island” with no escape anywhere on the horizon. For many people, it is a prison within a prison. These lockdowns and draconian laws proved to be either unnecessary or ineffective. And just like under Nazi Germany, people from minorities in Australia face systematic abuse. Fear among Indigenous and Muslim Australians communities is at its highest. People are subjected to “over-policing”, including COVID-19 compliance checks in the early hours of the morning, unfair penalties, bullying, and police driving up and down the streets where Muslim and Indigenous Australians are living. Aboriginal Legal Service and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre’s homelessness outreach have condemned NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller’s recent comments urging police officers to put community policing aside. Research into COVID policing in 2020 showed that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were three times more commonly subject to police stop-and-search. Where’s the health benefit in that? What are they looking for? Germs? In any case, British research suggests moral and social pressure is far more likely to change behaviour during the pandemic than Australia’s clodhopper policing.

Former Australian diplomat Bruce Haigh rightly compared Australia under the Liberals to Apartheid South Africa. “Australia is now as much on the nose as Apartheid South Africa, in Asia and Europe. Doors are closing,” he said. For example, the city of Sydney is divided into (mostly white Australians) affluent suburbs – the North Shore and Eastern – where residents are flocking to the beaches with scant concern for masks or social distancing, and poor (mostly “ethnic” Australians) suburbs – the West and South-West – where there are no beaches, few pools, relatively few parks and people were fined if they stepped outside their front gate unmasked.

Unfortunately, the state-controlled Australian media – the government’s propaganda arm – have largely misinformed Australians by denying them honest and unbiased information on the latest COVID-19 developments and scientific research. A recent study by Public Health Scotland (PHS) found that, throughout August 2021, 80% of deaths occurred among the vaccinated population. It is possible that the vaccine may reduce the severity of the disease but does not stop COVID-19 transmission. In Singapore, despite being one of the world’s most vaccinated countries (80% double-vaccination), COVID-19 infection continues to occur among its population. In Ontario, Canada, the Toronto Sun ran a story reporting that more than 100 Ontario youth were sent to the hospital for vaccine-related heart problems. A report quietly released last week by Public Health Ontario (PHO) tallies the number of people in the Canadian province who have presented to hospital with heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination, and it skews heavily towards young people. As of 07 August 2021, there were 106 incidents of myocarditis/pericarditis in Ontarians under the age of 25. It is slightly more than half of the total of all such incidents. (Full article here).

Furthermore, the latest official figures on 30 August, 2021 point to 38,488 mRNA vaccine reported and registered deaths in the EU, Britain and the U.S. (combined) and 6.3 million reported “adverse events”. These figures only represent the figures reported by the official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S., created in 1990, and to those officially reported by the European Medicine Agency (EMA). If the vaccines don’t work, then again, why should anyone be forced to take an untested and unreliable vaccine?

According to recent Swedish study, even a very high vaccination rate of more than 90 percent doesn't fully stop the spread of COVID-19 infection, as witnessed by examples across the globe. “All indications are that SARS-Cov-2 remain, as a recurring seasonal virus. Herd immunity will be very difficult or even impossible to achieve,” the authors of the study wrote in an opinion piece in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. “Crucially, immunity against respiratory viruses, including coronavirus, whether created by an infection or by vaccination, appears to be very short-lived. Thus, everything points to SARS-Cov-2 becoming an endemic – like the seasonal Flu –, which is why we must learn to live with this virus,” the authors of the study concluded.

Finally, and as a reminder, according to the ABC: “Before COVID-19 arrived, the number of Influenza cases in Australia was reaching some of its highest levels, with 313,033 notifications of laboratory-confirmed Influenza across Australia in 2019 — 2.7 times higher than the five-year average — and 953 deaths. In 2020, there were more than 20,000 notifications to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) and 37 deaths. In 2021, to August 29, just 484 cases were recorded and zero deaths” (ABC, 16/09/2021).

While Australia have begun moving toward reopening after the Delta variant proved zero-COVID-19 goals unattainable even amid strict lockdowns, it will do so by adding Australia to the small list of countries that have implemented the Nazi-like policy of Vaccine Passports. Australians who refuse vaccination (the unvaccinated), will die from the regime-imposed discrimination – no jab, no life. It is illogical, because many who have received the vaccine will both catch the virus and pass it on. In some respects, it is clear that the move to vaccine passports is as much about control as it is about “the science”. If enforced, vaccine passports “will govern the movements, interactions, certifications as well as the entry of people into all manner of establishments, domestically and internationally. If realised, this new mechanism would bring about a fundamental remaking of our societies along decidedly authoritarian lines”.

While COVID-19 played a major role in the exacerbation of Australian neo-Fascism, it was in the making long before the pandemic. In 2019 the CIVICUS Monitor had already downgraded Australia from an “open” country to one where civil space has “narrowed”, citing new laws to expand government surveillance, prosecution of whistle-blowers, and raids on media organizations writes, according to Australian commentator Caitlin Johnstone.

As of this writing, Australia has increased its hostility towards China by opting to acquire up to eight long-range nuclear-powered submarines. Australia is joining the highly dangerous Anglo-American anti-China military alliance (AUKUS) in a “fawning” effort to please the Washington’s Mafia. The AUKUS skulduggery was out of the blue and left everyone in the dark. The alliance is modelled on the World War II alliance in the Pacific against Japan. The controversial alliance will transform Australia into a giant American base of military operations as it was during World War II. It is extremely irresponsible and catapults Australia into the ranks of “frontline states” and a potential nuclear strike in the event of any future U.S.-led nuclear war against China. Imagine the benefits to Australians if the billions of dollars were put in the health system instead. Despite that it endangers world peace and it is at the expense of Australians and Australia’s vital interests, the new AUKUS military alliance is greeted with muted public reaction.

Step by step, the so-called “war on terror” have morphed into the war on the people. Australia is looking like Nazi Germany in all its aspects. It is not a misused epithet if you study the history and characteristics of Fascism and compare it with the current Liberals regime in Australia. As subservient to Washington and London, Australia is complicit in every Anglo-Zionist war and economic terrorism against peaceful democratic nations. With an arsenal of weapons at its disposal, the police are well armed and well prepared to subdue the population. Every peacefully protesting Australian is a target. Indeed, U.S. politicians, including Republicans, are calling on the Biden regime to impose sanctions against Australia over police brutality and flagrant violations of the human rights of protesters.

Given the low infection rates and fatalities caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian government's heavy-handed repression of the population seems to be dubious at best, as the government moves from an authoritarian police state into a fully-fledged neo-Fascist state. All Australians have the legitimate right to know and question what their government is doing in their names. Australians must realise - and need to realise soon - that they must strongly reject and vehemently resist the scourge of neo-Fascism in Australia.

Ghali Hassan is a science researcher and an independent political analyst in Australia.

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