erase racism because just one race human race but where are we racing to? and what of cheetah race? greyhound race? horse race? pronghorn antelope race? wild goose race? peregrine falcon fastest bird race? on vacation on the beach as a kid i saw a crab race front men racing for greenbacks, green paper energy yes money grows on trees when trees chopped for paper for money let’s stop attending this year’s CHOP26 feeding good COP bad COP, COP26 greenwashing bizwiz conference, we need a MOP26 to clean up this mess we need a HIPHOP26 to poetry slam the suits to the mat tell them STOP26 wiping your boots on Mother Earth’s welcome mat wash your feet by hand and welcome Her instead, clean up your histrionics your herstory your “his&hers&them” embossed bath towels, STOP26 making a mess and address this situation mushroom cloud lithium battery fires on the horizon greenwash dire too many guns for hire false solutions fueling the forest pyre only the four winds blow wire-to-wire whooops! there went those green blueprints up in the air say your prayers because solar flares and solar magnetic shockwaves could bring back the abacus which would mean long waits at the checkout-line while he/she/them figures out the change, think a change would do me good looking out the window maybe that panoply of autumn leaf after leaf after leaf will teach me something, damn-it, how to STOP26 thinking about that compact five-door hatchback battery electric vehicle actually called a Nissan Leaf [PS: According to a BBC article “More than 100 world leaders have promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030”.] * For an added treat - the poet reading his poem - click on this link. Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. Check out his newest book Moving Through The Empty Gate Forest: inside looking out. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. His website is here. © Copyright 2021 by This material is available for republication as long as reprints include verbatim copy of the article in its entirety, respecting its integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the original source including a "live link" to the article. Thank you! |