Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Editor's Choice
A Note from an Old Friend
By Paul Richard Harris | Axis of Logic
Video from YouTube, with thanks to Pamela
Sunday, Jan 30, 2022

This website is open to everyone, provided they follow some basic rules - we're utterly opposed to violence or the glorification of it. We intensely dislike what passes for 'civilization' in many Western nations - the US is our neighbour and the obvious model of how not to behave. And we often post material with which we don't personally agree, if the article contains argument or information that we think really needs to be debated widely.

Readers have the opportunity to comment on the articles - usually without restriction although the Moderator (i.e., me) will block comments that are racist, or misogynistic. I have been with Axis of Logic since 2003 and I believe there have only been three instances where we had to permanently blacklist a reader. The last one of those is what prompted me to put up my feet and type this evening.

Some years ago - and I really don't remember how many - we had fairly regular input from a fellow Canadian who displayed an extremely rigorous objection to any criticism of Israel or the United States, or anything that supported Palestinian people, or of anything that suggested socialism might not really be a bad thing.

There was always - without fail - no evidence, fact, or detail to back up his universal truths, no coherent thought process, no sign that even he believed what he was writing. I jousted with him frequently despite knowing that nothing would ever convince this fellow that, well, he's a complete idiot. But when several other regular readers contacted me to say we should just banish this guy because he was a complete waste of everyone's time, I demurred but after a while I had to acknowledge they were right and I blocked his access to our Commentary engine.
There was still some private correspondence between the two of us but eventually he told me he could see no hope for me and stopped writing to my home email address. A shame, really, because I was always able to hold up his example as proof that I was not completely crazy.

So it came as a bit of a surprise when I received an email from him on January 26 with the subject line: Terrified???

Rather than try to interpret his email, I'll just paste his message here - in total, and unedited:
It is surely due to the pandemic, and being bored, that I looked again at your website. As usual, cheap socialist, anti-USA and anti-Israel propaganda, with not even a shred of real evidence. Which was expected.

What I did not expect was that, a decade later, you are still so insecure and terrified of smart people such as myself, that I am still prohibited to write something.

I should be grateful that I live in Canada and not in the former Soviet Union, because otherwise you might have dispatched some goons with heavy leather coats to deal with me.

Grow a backbone!!
Notwithstanding that I had failed to recognize that he is a 'smart people', I was pleased to learn that he still objects to the material we post - we must be doing something right. While I don't recall exactly when he was blacklisted but it was certainly not a decade - more like 5-6 years.

This man is clearly delusional if he thinks for a minute that I - or anyone else at Axis of Logic - would be terrified of him or what he might have to say. He claims to hold a PhD from a highly regarded European university, although he consistenly ignored my questions about his area of study or the name of the university - I presume because he knows I could likely verify or disprove his credentials.

In any event, what really got my attention here was his comment about being grateful to live in Canada. Me too!

And that was my queue to upload the video that follows. Canada has many problems and is, in many ways, as obnoxious as our neighbour to the south of us. Although, to be fair to Canada, the US sets the bar pretty high - er, low - you know what I mean. But dispite all our warts, this is still a pretty good place to live.

What's contained in this video is us. And although we have a reputation for politeness (as if others think that's bad thing), we can also be a little weird - and we make no apology for that.

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