Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Video Documentaries
Born in Deir Yassin
By Neta Shoshani
from YouTube
Thursday, Mar 10, 2022

This video was uploaded to YouTube with the following disclaimer:
Uploading this publicly because it's not available to stream or buy anywhere and I believe it needs to be available to those who search for it. It personally took me two years to finally track down a copy with English subtitles, enjoy.

If the copyright holders or Neta Shoshani herself want me to remove this, I happily will.


I was able to locate only one review of the film - and it says exactly what I might have said. - prh, ed.

Comment by redracam, January 23, 2022
This documentary reminds me of the way a lot of Westerners have difficulty relating to other people’s suffering. Vietnam, Afghanistan and their sickening destruction can only be explored from an American perspective and the personal traumas of military personnel (or journalists) – the feelings and experiences of the local people are not valued or simply ignored.

Here, there is not a single Palestinian interviewed or even cited (if I am not mistaken). With the exception of the photos of the children I cannot remember seeing any Palestinians. I may be off the mark with the objective of the documentary, but if it was to highlight the dissonance between reality and the “official Israeli” historical record surely interviewing or quoting Palestinians who were there and survived would have given its reality a more three-dimensional representation.

Westerners still seem incapable of listening to Palestinian experience directly and need it packaged through a Jewish Israeli or Western lens.