Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Video of a typical oppositiion "Guarimba" being constructed on a road in Venezuela
By Arturo Rosales, Columnist, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Saturday, Mar 29, 2014

The video presented below shows how the guarimberos operate to disrupt public order in Venezuela and blame it on the government.  This guarimba takes place in the Mirandean Heights about 15 miles outside Caracas in the area known as San Antonio de Los Altos which is part if the Municipality of Carrizales.

José Luis Rodríguez is the opposition mayor of Carrizales and also a member of the opposition political party. "Un Nuevo Tiempo" i.e. "A New Time."  The governor of Miranda state is Henrique Capriles Radonski has a police force equipped to deal with this sort of road blocking and arson but refuses to enforce the law. Therefore, an opposition mayor and governor are implicated in these actions that verge on terrorism.

Some readers may think of a street and road barricade like the one shown in the video are relatively harmless, little more than annoyances or as "civil disobedience" by people protesting against the government. As with most opposition barricades, the materials used to install this one are combustible, wood, plastic, a bed mattress with gasoline as a catalyst. These are then set ablaze, blocking traffic with  dramatic effects for striking fear and terror. In this guarimba perpetrators also burned the forest.

Last week, fascists burned Güaraira Repano, the precious Avila National Park which overlooks Caracas, ringing it with fire. (see photo below the video). Nationwide it is estimated that the guarimberos have cut down or destroyed 5000 trees. Their willingness to destroy nature reveals their true character.  Guarimbas like the one shown in the video are the most frequently-used traps for killing people. After they've been abandoned by the guarimberos, motorists are shot by snipers in hiding or from a distance when the leave their car to remove part of the barricade to continue on their journey.  Members of the National Guard and National Police have also been shot and killed in this manner when clearing road barricades.

The Mirandean Heights video was shown last night on the Zurda Konducta program on national public television, VTV, and the images speak for themselves.

The participants organizing and blocking a public highway violate Article 50 of the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution.

US readers in particular should know that the vehicles delivering the materials for the barricade are cars that only the well-off middle class can afford in Venezuela. These participants are anti-government crips from the middle class, in all likelihood being paid to create violent situations as part of the ongoing destabilization campaign and slow-motion coup d'état which the opposition is trying to keep alive.

This is clear evidence of what Colombian writer William Oslina said:

"Venezuela is a strange place. It is where the poor celebrate and the rich protest".

Please do us a big favor and spread this information about present troubles in Venezuela by speaking to your friends, sending to it to your e-mail lists and re-publishing on your social networks, blogs and websites. It is vital that together, we inform people who have been misled by the mendacious corporate media campaign against our government and people here in Venezuela. The video and photos below are typical of the thousands of opposition street and road barricades across Venezuela. In the last 2-3 weeks the government has made significant progress in eliminating and preventing most of them, one guarimba at a time, arresting some of the opposition leaders, mayors and mercenaries.

Luxury cars and other things used to arm the guarimba in Los Altos Mirandinos

The burning of the Güaraira Repano, the Avila National Park, overlooking Caracas on March 24, 2014

This barricade was erected less than 150 meters from the police station on March 9 to prevent access to the municipality of San Diego in Carabobo State from the Central Regional Highway. Allegedly, the mayor of San Diego, Enzo Scarano actually ordered this construction and he is now serving 10 months in jail for violating a Supreme Court order to remove barricades in his jurisdiction and refusing to have his local police enforce the law. The private media in Venezuela, the international corporate media, Human Rights Watch and other NGOs claim that Scarano's arrest is an example of "repression" by the Maduro government.

Revolutionaries and neighbors removed this heavy barricade on March 18 at Las Vegas of Tariba, Táchira state near the Colombian border.