Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Terrorists set pre-school ablaze with 89 children inside
By Arturo Rosales writes from Caracas. Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Wednesday, Apr 2, 2014

April 2, 2014 (Axis of Logic) - Yesterday afternoon, terrorists set ablaze the building of Venezuela's Ministry of Housing & Habitat located on the Avenida Francisco de Miranda in the wealthy municipality of Chacao in East Caracas. Molotov gasoline bombs were thrown into the offices.

The fire department and the National Guard responded quickly and soon controlled the blaze that also affected 89 pre-school children aged between 3 and 6 years of age attending their public school. The children had to be rescued; otherwise they could have been overcome by noxious smoke or even burned alive.

The so-called corporate media "news" reports of student protests in the East of Caracas are simply a myth or rather outright lies. These are terrorist acts being promoted by the Venezuelan opposition and US financed lackeys, executed by paid thugs and killers. Yesterday was almost a national tragedy for the Venezuelan people and the families of these pre-school children and also for the whole of the South American continent.

The fact is that terrorism knows no bounds – not even for the lives of children – and now it is abundantly clear that we are dealing with terrorists and the government must act accordingly. It must take firm measures to root out these elements that could lead to the “Colombianization” of Venezuela by paid fascist groups operating sporadically in some major cities.
Their supply lines for arms, funds and strategic/tactical oversight must be cut off to put an end to the ongoing 2014 attempts to overthrow the democratically-elected Venezuelan government.

Linguistic transposition to foster a coup d’état

In the international and local corporate media in Venezuela the "protesters" that are burning, looting, killing, attacking the security forces and blocking roads are referred to as “students”. When they are arrested for public order offenses, vandalism, attacks on police officers and other crimes the big media powerhouses and Venezuela right-wing media say they are only “students protesting peacefully as stipulated in Article 68 of the 1999 Constitution."

Can guns, Molotov cocktails, slingshots, rockets, rocks, home-made mortars, nail bombs and galvanized wire stretched across the road to behead unsuspecting motorcyclists in any way be part of a “peaceful demonstration”?

Unless the media that hides behind a wall of words with different meanings from what 99% of us understand “peaceful” to mean, the answer is a resounding “NO”!

But the transposition of the meaning of words and deceptive verbiage in the media war continues. For example, a few days ago a protester (we will call him that for the sake of convenience) died when a home-made mortar he was aiming at a line of the National Guard was killed when the mortar exploded and blew his chest out.

At mid-day on the opposition radio network Union Radio, the reporter said: “A 33 year old man died while defending a barricade.” Yes he was defending a street barricade (illegally) but also trying to kill the National Guard with a mortar! Why the omission? - Draw your own conclusions. Moreover, there are also many 33 year old students in Venezuela!! (sic)

Things are even more interesting when you consider the following about the protests that are popularly called “guarimbas”.

Let’s look at how the guarimbas are routinely reported in the anti-government media:
  • People are shot near the barricades – this is done by "Chavista collectives."
  • Burning and looting takes place – this is done by "infiltrators."
  • Participants are arrested – and they magically turn into….. students.
Accurate reporting would look like this:
  • People are shot near the barricades – this is TERRORISM
  • Burning and looting takes place – this is TERRORISM
  • Participants are arrested – they are detained TERRORISTS
You can see that Josef Goebbels is alive and well in the Venezuelan private media and the international media campaign against the country. From now on we are not going to speak about protesters, students, “guarimberos” or disillusioned politicians any more. We are going to call a spade a spade. These people are terrorists.

What is happening in Venezuela right now is out and out terrorism, aimed at a coup d’état and regime change by anti-democratic, illegal and unconstitutional means. Terrorists must be treated as such and judged as such. My God, there are some rules even in wartime: blocking ambulances carrying injured or dying people; firebombing schools, hospitals and clinics is forbidden. But again, terrorism under cover of "student protests" in Venezuelan knows no boundaries.

Finally, it is interesting that government buildings, government-subsidized food supply and medical centers, Bolivarian community centers, public elementary and high schools, 15 public universities and national public television and radio stations are burned and attacked - but not a single one of the many McDonald's or Wendy’s restaurants has been touched. Interesting, no?