Axis of Logic
Finding Clarity in the 21st Century Mediaplex

Global Empire
Global Empire: Wealth creation or debt creation?
By Damon Vabrel, Arturo Rosales and Axis Editorial Board (Introduction). Axis of Logic.
Axis of Logic
Sunday, May 16, 2010


If you are willing to spend 90 minutes watching the following series of nine videos or lessons which cover the nature and reality of neoclassical economics in today’s world, you will understand far more than you ever did before about how finance works. First, we would like to introduce a few observations, weaknesses and some issues on which we part paths with the author of the videos.

These videos are a far cry from the Zeitgeist movies you may have seen. They are far more educational. The first three videos are fairly dry but lay the groundwork to understand the rest. So they require a little more work on the viewers part. Some understandably complain that the author speaks too fast and is difficult to follow in these videos. In the remaining videos Damon Vrabel* warms things up with applications to our own humanity - and the inhumanity of “the owners”.

Axis of Logic’s manifesto has always regarded the Global Corporate Empire (GCE) as being the root of all evil for mankind. The GCE is a result of the financial system of debt creation which emerged with the founding of the Federal Reserve System in December 1913 and the Anglo-American empire. These two entities control the issuance and supply of money based on debt and servitude – in contrast to the widely yet wrongly held notions of wealth and freedom as propagated in our educational and media systems. One important point of disagreement we have with the Vrabel's lessons is related to his references to "free market economics". We find agreement with the words of a friend whom we asked to critique the presentation:

"Implicit in the presentation is the idea that a free market would be good if we had one. The emphasis [in the videos] of course is that we don’t have one ... In fact, the ideology behind a free market society, competition to maximize personal profit, leads exactly to what we have today, and if we went back to a mom and pop free market society it would probably lead to the same kind of society again."

The Axis Editorial Board considers these videos as some of the most important documents we have ever published from the almost 60,000 articles already available on the site since May 2003. Feedback is vital to open a debate on this subject so don’t hesitate to use the comments section or to write to us directly.

Finally, there may be some who have a sense of futility ... a sense of hopelessness when learning about the plans of the ruling elite and what they have already achieved. But they are not invincible and have already made many crucial mistakes. We must remember that knowledge really is power and defeating their plans begins with a clear understanding of who they are and what they are doing. Damon ends the last lesson in this series with these words,

"It's time to break your silence and start speaking out. We can create Renaissance 2.0 instead of the next dark ages. But you need to play an active role. The next lesson considers how to do this. It's time for us to start talking about a brighter future."

We look forward to his next lesson about what we can and must do. We'll be publishing it on Axis of Logic when it becomes available.

-   Arturo Rosales and the
Axis of Logic Editorial Board





As a prelude to these videos, a word about the creator of this series:

Damon Vabrel has had two fairly different lives—one as an overachiever serving the financial empire, and another as a hopeful advocate for the victims of the empire: local community, indigenous population, the American republic, and the individual heart. He graduated from the United States Military Academy, served as an officer in the US Army, then graduated from Harvard Business School, took a short detour on Wall Street, and had a career in Silicon Valley in several leadership positions in technology corporations. Since leaving empire service, he became a mountaineer, attended Mars Hill Graduate School, and now works toward redemption as a writer and post-neoclassical economic philosopher. Contact Damon Vabrel

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1
Revisiting American History - Financial Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 2
Revisiting Economics 101 - Debt

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 3
Revisiting Civics 101 - Ownership

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 4 (part 1 of 4)
The Culture of Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 4 (part 2 of 4)
The Culture of Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 4 (part 3 of 4)
The Culture of Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 4 (part 4 of 4)
The Culture of Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 5 (part 1)
The Emerging Global Empire

Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 5 (part 2)
The Emerging Global Empire

We invite you to share your thoughts and
ideas about Damon's educational series below.

- Editorial Board, Axis of Logic