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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 11 January 2008 Printer friendly page Print This
By Muhammad Abu Nasr
Free Arab Voice/URUKNET
Saturday, Jan 12, 2008


Friday, 11 January 2008.

  • US base near al-Fallujah blasted by mortar shells Friday afternoon.
  • Iraqi Resistance bombards US al-Habbaniyah base with heavy mortars.
  • Association of Muslim Scholars: "dozens of civilians killed" in massive US bombing on 'Arab Jabbur Thursday.
  • Resistance group reports operation west of Baghdad.
  • Heavy mortar barrage pummels US base near Tikrit.

Al-Anbar Province.


US base near al-Fallujah blasted by mortar shells Friday afternoon.

In a dispatch posted at 4:45pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that mortar shells blasted into the US al-Mazra'ah ("Farm") base located 5km to the east of al-Fallujah, 60km west of Baghdad, on Friday afternoon.

Yaqen reported that numerous thunderous explosions went off inside the American-occupied facility, according to an officer in the al-Fallujah puppet police who asked to remain anonymous. The source said that three mortar shells slammed into the base, sending clouds of smoke rising into the sky overhead. As usual, the Americans provided no information regarding the nature or extent of casualties and damage as a result of the attack.


Raids, searches, arrests in al-Khalidiyah at dawn Friday.

In a dispatch posted at 2:45pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi puppet police and collaborationist "Awakening" police launched a campaign of raids, searches, and arrests in the al-Khalidiyah area, 80km west of Baghdad at dawn on Friday. The move followed the announced arrest of a commander in the al-Qa'idah organization in the same area two days earlier.

Yaqen reported a source in the puppet regime who asked not to be identified as saying that the puppet forces confiscated Kalashnikov automatic weapons owned by local citizens, allowing only one Kalashnikov per household. The puppet forces also arrested six local residents.


Iraqi Resistance bombards US al-Habbaniyah base with heavy mortars.

In a dispatch posted at 2:35pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters bombarded the al-Habbaniyah base, 70km west of Baghdad, with four heavy 120mm mortar rounds.

Yaqen reported eyewitnesses as saying that the barrage set off audible explosions within the base, which is jointly occupied by US troops and their Iraqi puppet army allies. Plumes of smoke rose over the facility and US aircraft flew in over the area shortly after the attack, the witnesses reported.


Association of Muslim Scholars: "dozens killed" in massive US bombing on 'Arab Jabbur Thursday.

The Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) on Thursday denounced the massive US bombing attack on areas west of 'Arab Jabbur earlier in the day.

The AMSI declaration said that "US occupation forces, using B-1 war planes, bombed the 'Arab Jabbur area at dawn Thursday, dropping 40,000-pound (18.100kg) bombs on pretexts that we have tired of hearing because of their falseness and mendacity, namely their 'war on terror.’"

The AMSI statement continued: "The bombing was entirely targeted on homes of residents in the area and resulted in the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians, including women, children, and elderly people, in addition to wounding a comparable number."

"This dastardly crime clearly demonstrates to the whole world the ugliness of those who committed it," the statement went on. "It shows that they are totally unconcerned about people’s lives and do not care for the honor and esteem accorded to human beings in all divinely inspired religions."

"The Association of Muslim Scholars denounces this dastardly crime and holds the occupation and the present government entirely responsible for it. It believes that they are the ones who fit the description of terrorists in all meanings and implications of the word. AMSI calls on the international community, the League of Arab States, and all human rights organizations in the world to emerge from their circle of murderous silence and to take up the role – at the very least – of making a stand in the face of the criminals who committed these acts."

Sectarian murder spree continues: three more bodies found dumped around Baghdad.

In a dispatch posted at 7:15pm Baghdad time Friday night, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the puppet forces of the "Iraqi Ministry of the Interior" recovered the bodies of three more victims of sectarian violence that had been dumped in various parts of Baghdad on Friday.

Yaqen reported a source in the puppet "Interior Ministry" as saying that puppet policemen found one of the unidentified bodies in the Camp Sarah neighborhood of eastern Baghdad and the other two in the Bagdad district of al-Karakh. All had been shot to death.

Car bomb kills four, wounds 12 near bakery in eastern Baghdad Friday evening.

In a dispatch posted at 6:45pm Baghdad time Friday night, the Yaqen News Agency reported that a man driving an explosives-laden car blew up near a bread oven in the al-Ghadir neighborhood of eastern Baghdad on Friday evening.

In a dispatch posted at 11:02pm Friday night, Yaqen reported that several hours after the bombing, the casualty toll stood at four dead and 12 more injured, all of those either in al-'Alawiah Hospital on as-Sina'ah Street near the al-Ghadir Neighborhood or in the Ibn an-Nafis Hospital on al-Andalus Square.

Puppet forces arrest 75 in blockade, raids on as-Sayyidiyah district of Baghdad.

In a dispatch posted at 6:26pm Baghdad time Friday evening, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi puppet regime troops rounded up and arrested about 75 civilian residents of the as-Sayyidiyah neighborhood of Baghdad. Puppet so-called al-Husam Brigade troops have kept the area blockaded for about four days during which time they shouted sectarian abuse at them.

The AMSI reported residents of as-Sayyidiyah as saying that the al-Husam Brigades arrested about 75 of the local residents. They said that the neighborhood had been sealed off for four days and that no food had been allowed in, resulting in a shortage of vegetables.

Residents reported that the puppet al-Husam Brigades left open only one passage into and out of the neighborhood – that being the road near the al-Jadiriyah Bridge where sectarian militias are congregated. The al-Husam Brigade troops also apparently set fire to several abandoned houses belonging to known enemies of the US occupation.

Resistance group denounces US bombing strikes on 'Arab Jabbur Thursday for "targeting civilians."

In a dispatch posted at 3pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the Resistance coalition known as the Front of Jihad and Change had issued Communiqué No. 11 in which it denounced the US attack on Iraqi civilians in which American F-1 strategic bombers and F-16 fighter bombers blasted areas to the west of 'Arab Jabbur on Thursday.

Yaqen reported the communiqué as affirming that the attack, in which the US employed 40,000-pound bombs, targeted civilians. The statement said that the massive American assault also served to refute US claims that the Resistance had been put down and that everything in Iraq had been made "stable" for the American occupation.

The Front of Jihad and Change declared that such attacks would only serve to increase their conviction that the path of jihad and resistance is the only way forward and that the US enemy understands no language other than that of force and weapons.

US troops clash with pro-Iranian armed men in area to the north of Baghdad.

In a dispatch posted at 1:40pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that US forces launched a campaign of raids searches and arrests in the town of al-Hurriyah to the north of Baghdad at dawn on Friday.

Yaqen reported eyewitnesses as saying that the raids sparked battles with light arms in which fighters opened fire on the Americans. One local resident reported that the Americans "raided several houses in the town of al-Hurriyah al-Ula and arrested several citizens. They also raided the al-'Askariyin Mosque in the same area."

Another witness said "clashes between the raiding soldiers and armed men from the area took place and lasted for more than half an hour. The clashes, however, inflicted no casualties on either side.

Yaqen noted that al-Hurriyah is a center of activity of the pro-Iranian Shi'i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia from which they had previously expelled many residents of other religious affiliations.

Resistance group reports operation.

In a dispatch posted at 1:25pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the Brigades of the 1920 Revolution had issued a communiqué in which the organization took responsibility for an operation to the west of Baghdad.

Yaqen reported the Resistance statement as saying that fighters in one of the 1920 Revolution Brigade units planted an explosive device that blew up and totally destroyed a US Humvee, killing or wounding all aboard. The statement provided no further details on the attack.

Salah ad-Din Province.


Heavy mortar barrage pummels US base near Tikrit.

In a dispatch posted at 10:43am Baghdad time Friday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that a large number of mortar shells blasted into the US base near Tikrit, 180km north of Baghdad.

Yaqen reported eyewitnesses as saying that the heavy barrage inflicted severe damage on the camp, dubbed Camp Spiker by the US occupiers. Dense smoke rose over the facility after the barrage but as of the time of reporting, the Americans had made no statement regarding the attack.

Iraqi Resistance taking positions against the U.S. forces in the streets of  Baqouba

iyala Province.


US releases pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi commander in al-Miqdadiyah.

In a dispatch posted at 3:22pm Baghdad time Friday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the US occupation forces released 'Ali Hamad at-Tamimi, the commander of the pro-Iranian Shi' sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia in the city of al-Miqdadiyah, 85km northeast of Baghdad, on Friday.

Yaqen reported a source in the puppet security services as saying that the Americans had arrested at-Tamimi along with four other individuals in an airborne raid on Friday, 4 January, saying at that time that he was wanted for murders, kidnappings, and driving people out of their homes.

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