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The World vs Wall Street Printer friendly page Print This
By Emma Ruby-Sachs
The Avaaz team via
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011

535,286 have joined. Help us get to 1,000,000
and the number is rising every second as you watch

Thousands of Americans have non-violently occupied Wall St — an epicentre of global financial power and corruption. They are the latest ray of light in a new movement for social justice that is catching fire from Madrid to Jerusalem to NY, but they need our help to succeed.

The protesters are calling for real democracy that serves the people instead of corrupt interests who have captured the government. But they are under severe pressure from authorities, and the media is dismissing them as a small group of young extremists. If millions of us from across the world stand with them, we’ll boost their resolve and show the media that they represent a massive global movement for change.

This year could be our century’s 1968, but this time it must be a movement of all citizens, not just a few. Click to join the call for real democracy – a giant live counter of every one of us who signs the petition will be erected in the center of the occupation in New York, and live webcast on the petition page:

[Editorial comment: The live counter has been installed. Do go to to sign the petition and watch the video of this mass movement. -SON]

The Wall Street protests, and others emerging across the US and the world are the latest chapter in this year’s global people power story. In Egypt, people took over Tahrir Square and toppled their dictator. In India, one man’s fast brought millions onto the streets and the government to its knees — winning real action to end corruption. For months, Greek citizens relentlessly protested unfair cuts to public spending. In Spain, thousands of “indignados” defied a ban on pre-election demonstrations and mounted a protest camp in Sol square to speak out against political corruption and the government’s handling of the economic crisis. And this summer across Israel, people have built “tent cities” to protest against the rising costs of housing and for social justice.

From a distance, these national stories of dissent may seem disconnected. But when you look closely, it’s undeniable that a common thread is slowly weaving its way across the planet — people are worn down by a global economic crisis and have had enough of bad government and even worse policies devised by the corporations that pull their strings. Right now, their is a symphony for change echoing across the world.

Let’s join and build this movement today and bring all of our national stories together behind each country’s call for real democracy.  Avaaz will bring a giant live counter to the tent city in New York:

In every uprising, from Cairo to New York, the call for an accountable government that serves the people is clear, and our global community has backed that people power across the world wherever it has broken out. We know how powerful we are when we unite across borders with one voice. It’s time for an end to captured leaders who answer to the richest tiny few, it’s time for a global movement for real leadership, real accountability and real democracy.

With hope,
the Avaaz team


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