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What’s Going To Happen To The Economy In 2012… Printer friendly page Print This
By Mike Dillard
Wednesday, Dec 21, 2011

Editorial comment: I at first discarded Mike Dillard as a guy who is just interested in how to make a fortune. He does talk about teaching us how to get rich. Now, that's something I just don't care about since I wouldn't know what to do with my millions, except give them to the starving people in Africa or in India, running the risk of that money being pocketed by corrupt politicians or middlemen. The thing is though that, as I listened and re-listened to Mike, I realized that the important part of his message is not 'how to get rich' but it's his denunciation of, and I quote: "the largest wealth transfer in history" and saying "I am absolutely disgusted by what the banks, the politicians and the Wall Street sharks are doing to the great families of America, and I'm making it my mission to provide as many families as I can with real information about money, ... and about the economy..."

Sure, Mike Dillard is a capitalist and he talks far too much to my mind, about investment and about prospering, whereas all we ordinary people really need and want is a chance to go on living our lives in relative comfort and security, not having to worry about where our food is going to come from that evening or the next day, where the money is going to come from to pay for our medical bills, and where our children are going to get a decent and affordable education.

In a way, I would almost prefer seeing the economy crash and the super rich sinking into the mire of their greed. However, before they would do so, the poorest of the poor would starve to death in utter pain and misery. So what is left to do is denouncing the sharks who are out to kill us off, million by million, and to fight for their undoing while saving the rest of the world. It can be done, not by you yourself becoming a multimillionaire but by pulling the plug on all the unregulated financial transactions that let the sharks go on ruining the livelihoods of ordinary citizens, taking their jobs away, taking their homes because people can't pay the usurious
interest rates and depriving their children of a decent education. The government bails out the banks while applying the austerity mode of government for the people in all countries in the world, except Latin America, which is standing as a beacon of light in today's darkness.  - SON

NOTE: This Post has nothing to do with video or Camtasia. But it’s something I believe so strongly in, I feel compelled to share it. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program next time!

Is it just me or is anyone else very concerned with the state of affairs in the world and our economy?

I’ve been following and studying what’s going on for about 10 years now. The stats, the history, trends, and directions…

My conclusion? It’s hard to imagine a scenario where this all ends well…

To come to such a conclusion, you need to have accurate information. Perhaps you will agree that this will NOT be gathered from the superficial mainstream media, traditional
"experts", and certainly not from politicians who are clearly only in the "business of re-election".

Of a select handful of people I have determined to be providing realistic, accurate, fact-based and impartial information is a guy named Mike Dillard.

I encourage you to watch a series of videos he is releasing to get up to speed and help you prepare:

Mike Dillard is a 33 year old native of Austin Texas. A recent husband and father, he went from waiting tables to Millionaire by the age of 26. Over the past five years he has founded two publishing companies, producing $20,000,000 in combined revenue, and over 1,000,000 entrepreneurs from 65 different countries have subscribed to his online newsletter. Four months ago, he walked away from everything in order to share the urgent message and mission of The Elevation Group, you'll find on this page.

Also see a second video: Rare Webinar Reveals How To Create (Or Recover), Incredible Wealth During Today's Economic Crisis...


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