Cartoon by Latuff |
Whether Paraguay's infamously right-wing local oligarchy and its
parties that seized an opportunity to bring left-leaning President
Fernando Lugo down by itself, or whether the push came from the United
States government, is yet to be confirmed.
The US was involved in the overthrow of many governments in Latin
America in 20th century in a bid to sure up its domination of the
See also
Paraguay: Coup at heart of struggle over Latin America
The US also supported a 2009 coup that overthrew elected Honduran
president Manuel Zelaya, who had raised the minimum wage paid by US
corporations in the textile industry and blocked privatisations. In the
past decade, it has also been implicated in failed coup attempts against
elected governments in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.
However, whether the key movers were the Paraguayan oligarchs or US
forces is a secondary consideration. The US state and US corporations
operate through local intermediaries — the Paraguayan oligarchy — and
have made no effort to conceal their intentions to use the recent coup
to advance their agenda.
The coup has provided the US with a golden opportunity to work to
reverse its declining influence in the region — and send a clear message
to those willing to challenge its interests.
Paraguay is nestled between South America’s two largest economies —
Argentina and Brazil — and its membership of regional integration bodies
such as the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and the Common
Market of the South (Mercosur) gives it strategic importance for US
By removing Lugo via an illegitimate coup only nine months out from
elections, the US and its allies sent a message that, having lost the
ability to keep control through formal democratic means, they are
willing to use others.
The coup also gave the US an opportunity to escalate its military presence in the region.
The same day Lugo was impeached by Congress, a delegation of
Paraguayan politicians, led by the head of the parliamentary defence
committee and opposition member Jose Lopez Chavez, met with US military
chiefs to negotiate the establishment of a US military base in the Chaco
Lopez Chavez said another topic of discussions was restarting US
military “humanitarian assistance” programs in Paraguay, which had been
halted by Lugo in 2009.
The Paraguayan oligarchy has made clear its intentions of allowing
the US to turn the country into a base for military operations, with its
sights set on Latin America’s radical governments.
As Lopez Chavez explained after a meeting in August last year with 21
US generals, the hope was that a US base would help Paraguay “liberate
itself from the pressures, the threats from Bolivia, and even more so
the threats that are constantly emerging from the Bolivarianism of Hugo
In June, US General Douglas M Fraser, head of the US Southern
Command, also singled out Venezuela and Bolivia as potential hotspots
for “geopolitical turbulence” that could affect US interests in the
Those that have been campaigning in support of Latin America’s
turbulent process of transition face the urgent task of exposing the
role of US imperialism, its corporations and its allies in Paraguay’s,
and their bid to stop the process of regional integration across Latin
There is also a need to support the Paraguayan resistance to the coup
and redoubling our solidarity with the anti-imperialist Bolivarian
Alliance of the People's of Our America (ALBA) led by Cuba, Venezuela,
Bolivia and Ecuador.
[Read more articles by Federico Fuentes. With Michael Fox and Roger Burbach, Fuentes is the co-author of the forthcoming book Latin America Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism.
It will be released in January next year by Zed Books. He also
co-authored with Marta Harnecker a book in Spanish on the Paraguayan
Left, focusing on the Movement Towards Socialism Party (P-MAS).]
Source: Green Left