Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe. (Flickr/Nestle) |
I have just returned from a week in Switzerland to promote the right to
water and to challenge the giant Swiss bottled water giant Nestlé. My
visit was arranged by Franklin Frederick, an activist and leader in the
global fight against Nestlé Waters, who is originally from Brazil, but
now lives and works in Switzerland. Franklin is an extraordinary man. He
is fiercely committed to global water justice and has been a thorn in
the side of the water privateers for years. I also reconnected with
Rosmarie Bar, a former Green Member of the Swiss Parliament and former
senior member of the Swiss development network, Alliance Sud. Rosmarie
and I worked together to form an international group called Friends of
the Right to Water and worked for many years to lay the groundwork for
the recognition of this right at the UN.
I spoke at the universities of Bern and Lucerne and in a beautiful
500 year-old church located in the heart of Bern. In the magnificent
wood paneled Swiss Parliament, I also met with a delegation of MPs from
every party who are committed to protecting public water and the human
right to water. In all these venues, I met wonderful, committed people
working for economic and social justice.
However, it is very clear that Nestlé is a powerful presence in
Switzerland and its influence in the halls of power goes deep. Everyone I
talked to said so in one way or another. Switzerland has no law
limiting political donations from corporations, or requiring
transparency in campaign financing. Given that the marketing department
of Nestlé has a larger annual budget than the World Health Organization,
it is widely understood that the company has great political influence.
Of special concern is the partnership that the Swiss Federal Agency
for Development and Cooperation - SDC - has entered into with the
company. Nestlé is a charter member of the newly formed Swiss Water
Partnership, along with civil society groups and aid agencies, that will
advise the Swiss government on water policy in the Global South. The
stated desire is to come to a set of “shared values” so that
governments, NGOs and the private sector are promoting common policies
and world views when giving aid money for water development, or what the
SDC calls “speaking with one voice.” But what is this voice?
Nestlé was one of the first companies to commodify water. In the wake
of the Chernobyl disaster, seeing what it did to the groundwater
supplies of the surrounding regions, the company bought up huge
quantities of mineral water deposits in Switzerland. Nestlé is the biggest bottled water company in the world and is scouring countries all over the planet for new supplies of water.
Nestlé has consistently promoted public-private partnerships
whereby private water companies run water services on a for profit
basis. Company head Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, referred to often in the
Swiss media as the “Water Man,” repeatedly promotes the full
commodification of water (although after much criticism, now admits that
the poor need some water too.) He has proposed setting aside 1.5 per
cent of the planet’s water for human rights, the rest going into the
market. Nestlé also promotes GMO crops, which are voracious users of
So these policies are the ones that the company will promote to the
Swiss government in its development work. It is a travesty that this is
the water face to the world of Switzerland. The country has one of the
finest public water systems anywhere. SDC defends this partnership and
publicly states that a key goal is to promote the interests of Swiss
water companies abroad.
But what does Nestlé know about delivering water and sanitation
services? Nothing! It is involved with this partnership to gain
credibility and to have the Swiss government open doors to new private
water markets in the developing world. It is the same reason the company
is deeply involved with the funding arm of the World Bank. In fact,
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe chairs a new advisory board called the 2030 Water
Resources Group that helps set policy models and priorities for water
and sanitation programs around the world.
This is a disaster in a world where demand for water is outstripping
supply at an accelerating rate. As Wenonah Hauter from Food and Water
Watch says, Nestlé’s goal is to shift government policy away from
providing public municipal water supplies to people, and toward a
dependency on bottled water to provide basic drinking water. And of
course, it is about capitalizing on the global water crisis.
It is time to call out Nestlé and the governments that partner with
them. I will return to Nestlé’s home base again soon where we will shout
out against this malevolent water hunter.
Source: Common Dreams