Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#1 GMOs)
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By Mike Adams, Editor
Natural News
Saturday, Apr 13, 2013
(NaturalNews) Of all the threats to humanity today, none is more
destructive than modern-day "evidence-based science." And by the word
"science," I don't mean the humble pursuit of knowledge using genuine
scientific methods. What I mean is the dogmatic, corporate-driven brand of distorted science based on falsified evidence, bribery of gatekeepers and corruption of government regulators.
"science" is killing us all with hormone disruptors, hidden food
chemicals, heavy metals, genetic engineering and neurological
disruptors. The pushers of this corporate-driven "evidence-based
science" claim to be aiding humanity, yet their actions prove they are
only destroying the health of the population and the future viability of
the life-sustaining ecosystem as well.
For every poison that
threatens humanity today, there is a group of scientists lurking behind
it, profiting from its consumption while spreading lies about its
safety. The aim of this Natural News article series is to exposed the lies of corrupt "science"
and reveal the truth about what "evidence-based science" is really
promoting in our foods, medicines, industries and home environments.
follows, then, is a ten-part article series, with each part outlining
one "evidence-based science" threat to continued life on our planet.
Each article is sourced and verifiable through even the most basic web
searching. None of this is fiction.
Here's #1:
have been proven to cause wildly increased growth of cancer tumors.
They also cause infertility and organ failure. That's because GM crops
grow deadly insecticides right in their own tissues. When those crops
are consumed by humans, the insecticides are part of the meal.
When GMOs were recently fed to lab rats in a carefully-designed experiment, it was reported that:
animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver
and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70
percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and
20 percent in the control group."
Here's a photo of the actual lab rats fed GMOs in this study:
GMOs may also help explain why infertility is skyrocketing in humans and
why younger children are increasingly being diagnosed with cancer.
the deadly results of consuming GMOs, every "scientist" who pushes GMOs
is an indirect murderer. To push this dangerous technology without any
long-term safety testing whatsoever is a violation of the "precautionary
principle" that used to be honored in scientific circles. But caution
has been abandoned in favor of corporate profits, and now it's all about
selling more food, seeds and chemicals, regardless of how many men,
women and children are killed or damaged in the process.
When you
see a "scientist" arguing in favor of GMOs, think to yourself, "That's a
homicidal maniac" because widespread death is the ultimate result of
their irresponsible, dangerous actions.
This is article #1 in our "murdered by science" special report. Click here to continue with #2.
Source: Natural News
More on the team of scientists, the so-called Seralini team, in Caen, France:
"The research was carried out by Caen
University in France, and has been peer reviewed by independent
scientists to guarantee the experiments were properly conducted and the
results are valid."
These findings by were also published by Natural News
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