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Memorial Day Blues Printer friendly page Print This
By Mankh, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Sunday, May 29, 2016

The killing of masses of people we ought bewail with sorrow and grief.
Victory in battle we ought commemorate with mournful rites.


fire-up the twenty-one BBQ salute
a moment of silence for the dead
then toast a brewski,
doesn’t it get any better than this?!
Lady Liberty singin’ the blues
get buzzed as a Boeing Apache helicopter and propel
on over to Memorial Day Sales
women’s tanks for $5 kids’ for $3 at
oh!, the irony, Target, oh!, as in sleeveless shirts
(while an F-35 helmet costs $400,000),
Geronimo, a Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache,
rolls in his spirit eyes,
a translation of his name "one who yawns"
summing up my weekend excitement level,
how can there be memorializing
without also acknowledging
the USEmpire with an estimated
1,000 military bases worldwide
and defense budget more
than the next seven countries combined
(China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France,
United Kingdom, India, Germany),
and so-called Discretionary Spending
with over 50% going to the military,
a built-in plan for the next Memorial Day,
and the next,
and the...
and how can there be memorializing
without also acknowledging
the other countries’ war dead,
didn’t everyone get the memo
each of us
a human being...
Lady Liberty singin’ the blues,
Prince from his grave singin’
‘gonna party like it’s 1491’

Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet on Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. His recent books are “Drive-thru Theofascism & The Hero's Journey” and “Dear_______, poem-letters to friends and enemies.” He is working on a new book of poetic-nonfiction, “Musings With The Golden Sparrow.” You can contact him via his literary website.

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