By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III), Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Saturday, Dec 10, 2016
the real news was already fake
and now all this news about fake news,
so who knows who’s telling what news
(unless you do some research and see
who’s funding or not funding said news
or step back and, you know, maybe think
it through yourself)
what who where when why and how
a journalist’s guidepost
but nowadays it’s who does this
and who does that
and who’s doing who,
to which I too often say, wtf?!
and there’s little news about fake history
(banned or overlooked books, professors fired, students flunked),
fake religion (no offense but I do not pray to
Easter bunnies and Santas though on occasion
I confess to eating the chocolates), fake governments
(rigged elections sponsored by Bread & Circus Media),
fake language (because the word “real” as in real estate
comes from royalty and bloodlines and not the people
... breaking news! “real” is fake! as in a system
made-up to please the overlords, the pompous renegades
who hide the truth behind headlines)
Nature has no headline
no top story
every living thing
working together
some day it’ll be breaking news,
like an ex-lover confessing her wanton ways
but this time the corporate brain-washing suits
with heads bowed
finally confessing
“we faked our newsgasms”
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet on Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. His new book of genre-bending poetic-nonfiction is “Musings With The Golden Sparrow.” You can contact him via his literary website.
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