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More Evidence that the British Deep State Could Be Trying to Stop BoJo from Becoming PM Printer friendly page Print This
By T.J. Coles | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Sunday, Jul 14, 2019

More evidence has come to light that the British intelligence services (“deep state”) might be trying to stop the buffoonish Boris Johnson MP from becoming Prime Minister. The powerful deep state does not want BoJo the clown running the country. But the wealthy and powerful Tory Party members do indeed want to see him in office. Who will prevail? Further to the evidence presented in my previous, admittedly speculative article:

The BBC reported that PM Theresa May “and some in the intelligence community had worries about Mr Johnson’s ability to keep information confidential.” The BBC says that “the tension went back as far as the time when he was Mayor of London and she was home secretary, when one source claims he angered her by inadvertently revealing confidential information before it was due to be made public.” But, putting two fingers up to the world, May appointed the racist ribald Foreign Secretary. An unnamed source told the BBC: “Once he was in government, on occasion Downing Street would even convene smaller meetings, or ‘pre-meets’, to discuss sensitive subjects rather than include him as foreign secretary.” May allegedly withheld intelligence from the jester.

Shortly after these rumours were published by BBC Online, someone within the government leaked the British Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch’s confidential and disparaging assessments of the US administration. This well-timed “leak” forced BoJo to choose between his loyalty to the United States (specifically his ideological counterpart, Donald Trump,) or to the British Ambassador. As predicted, BoJo chose the former, making his rival Jeremy Hunt--the current Foreign Secretary--look stronger and more principled by comparison. This did not help BoJo’s campaign to become PM.

Either BoJo or Hunt will be elected by the 160,000 or so Tory Party members, not by the general public. But despite these potentially planted stories and deliberate leaks, polls suggest that over 70% of the Tory Party members who have already voted have indeed voted for BoJo. Surely this guarantees his seat in Number 10? Because the new prime ministerial leadership election is internal to Party members, ballots were sent to members by post. But something fishy appears to be happening to the returns.

The Independent reports that “that furious Tories were being told they faced not being able to vote at all due to their details being lost amid chaos at the party’s headquarters.” The same article says: “Far fewer ballot papers have been returned to the Conservative Party’s central headquarters than expected, suggesting members are holding back on voting on their next leader.” Or: MI6 or related has possibly intercepted and binned a significant number of Boris votes. One unnamed Tory, described as a senior MP, said: “Far fewer ballot papers came back on Monday than anticipated. They had expected about 60 per cent of cards to come back at the start of the week but they only had about half that.”

Given BoJo’s enormous popularity among the mostly-elderly, white, well-off, racist, and xenophobic Tory grassroots, the deep state risks triggering an inquiry if it helps the unpopular Hunt to win a shock ballot. But would it take such a risk? If the balloting is rigged in order to bring Hunt into No. 10, the propaganda machine will cover for the deep state by citing BoJo’s failure to side with the Ambassador as “proof” that Party members dropped their support.

If it’s true that intelligence operatives are interfering, the deep state is merely helping its political wing, the Tory Party, to survive by putting Hunt, the “sensible” (within their spectrum) candidate, into No. 10. BoJo is such a liability that the Tory Party risks imploding via his push for a no-deal Brexit, which significant numbers of fellow Tories have publicly promised to block. The collapse of the government could lead to a general election and Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn as PM.

So, the deep state may have a twofold agenda in stopping BoJo: 1) to prevent “sensitive” state information from being jeopardised by his astonishing incompetence and, 2) of equal perhaps greater importance, pre-empting a Corbyn government. It’s also worth noting that the Ambassador leak, which damaged BoJo, coincided with a state-sponsored hit-piece by the BBC’s Panorama on Corbyn’s Labour Party, in which unnamed Labour Party members claimed to have suffered anti-Semitic abuse from other members. But two of the unnamed people making the allegations turned out to be assets for Israel: Ella Rose and Alex Richardson.

Why does a possible deep state, anti-BoJo operation matter? Quite simply, without BoJo there is less chance of a general election and thus a Corbyn government. Those who want a Corbyn-led Labour government must hope that BoJo becomes PM, albeit briefly.

Dr. T.J. Coles is the author of several books, including Human Wrongs (iff Books).

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