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O Donnie, we all feel your pain ... Printer friendly page Print This
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing | Daily Kos
from Daily Kos
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Trump on coronavirus: ‘This is so unfair to me! Everything was going great'

The redoubtable Gabe Sherman has another missive from the bottomless bowl of Kooky Krunch that is the White House.

As you probably guessed, Donald Trump thinks the coronavirus that’s circled the globe and killed 100,000 Americans and counting has been totally unfair … to His Majesty.

Vanity Fair:
As he headed into Memorial Day weekend, Donald Trump complained that he was COVID-19’s biggest victim. “He was just in a fucking rage,” said a person who spoke with Trump late last week. “He was saying, ‘This is so unfair to me! Everything was going great. We were cruising to reelection!” Even as the death toll neared 100,000 and unemployment ranks swelled to over 38 million, Trump couldn’t see the pandemic as anything other than something that had happened to him. “The problem is he has no empathy,” the adviser said. Trump complained that he should have been warned about the virus sooner. “The intelligence community let me down!” he said.
The intelligence community actually warned him in — oh, here it is — November.

But why split hairs?
Even those closest to Trump have been privately worried the election is slipping away. According to a source, Melania Trump warned the president during their trip to India in February to take the virus response seriously. “He totally blew her off,” the source said. Melania later told people that Trump “only hears what he wants to hear and surrounds himself with yes-people and family,” the source added.

The first lady’s office did not respond to a request for comment.
So ex-fashion model Melania Trump, who has openly telegraphed her lack of concern about everything, would be a far better president than Donald Trump. Tell me something I hadn’t already figured out.
But the biggest obstacle standing in the way of a Trump-campaign reset is the candidate. “Trump is doing it to himself by tweeting idiotic conspiracy theories about Joe Scarborough. Women are tired of this shit,” said another former West Wing official. An outside adviser agreed. “Trump can’t pivot to a different strategy,” the adviser told me. “He only knows one strategy—which is attack. It worked in 2016. But now it’s not what people are looking for.”
Well, you never know. Maybe the FBI can announce that it’s looking into another cache of Hillary’s emails. That would get L’il Donny out of his funk.

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