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Is Russia Facing Resurgent Fascism? Printer friendly page Print This
By Ghali Hassan | Axis of Logic
Submitted by author
Thursday, Mar 31, 2022

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes”.

- Mark Twain

In the U.S.-led countries (“the West”), we are conditioned to view Adolf Hitler’s “National Socialism and World War II primarily as an action against Jews, and therefore the rhetorical positioning of Nazism and Judaism has a singular, jarring effect”. In truth, National Socialism was an anti-Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) militarised ideology and World War II – provoked by no others than Britain and the U.S. – was Nazi Germany’s war against the U.S.S.R., not against Jews. At least 30 million Russians (or more than half of all the War’s victims) died in Nazi Germany’s aggression against the U.S.S.R. Today, Russia is facing another offensive mobilization of military power on its western borders, under the aegis of the U.S.-led NATO alliance which espouses the same Fascist ideology as Nazi Germany.

It is worth noting that the U.S. joined World War II against Nazi Germany (just before the end and as late as possible) as an opportunist to reap the benefits of the War by controlling and subjugating West Europe to its will. The War made the U.S. the richest and most powerful country in the world. Four years after the Soviet Army (The Red Army) defeated the German Wehrmacht and liberated Europe from Nazi Germany, the U.S. created the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). It was formed as a U.S.-controlled military alliance against the U.S.S.R., Russia. NATO is an offensive military force that made it clear it could bomb, invade or destroy any defenceless country it chose. The ideology of the alliance is based on the same dominant Nazi Germany Fascist ideology. In other words, we are witnessing the resurgent of Neo-fascism in Europe under the leadership of U.S. hegemony.

Unlike Nazi Germany – a regional military power –, the U.S.-led NATO alliance is nuclear-armed global Neo-fascist alliance with an overtly violent and racist Anglo-Zionist ideology led by the U.S. and U.S.-controlled NATO regimes. It is more powerful and more dangerous to world peace than Nazi Germany was. It is supported by the Zionist-controlled Western media. It couched in the clothing of politically correct, sugar-coated homilies invoking “human rights,” and “democracy,” which it soon enough turned out, served as a mere “liberal” fog of aggression aimed at dominating the world by force, destroying and enslaving every defenceless nation.

As the U.S. consolidated its occupation of West Europe after World War II, it began attacking one defenceless country after another to spread terror and remake the world in its own immoral, racist and Fascistic image. Any country that refuses to submit to U.S. dictates will invite U.S. wrath. In short, since the end of World War II, the U.S. ran roughshod over most of the Global South nations, murdering civilians, raping women, and pillaging communities, enslaving human beings, colonizing for profit and power, stealing resources and causing generational devastation. There is no secret about U.S.-led terrorism and war crimes around the world.

The late American author William Blum has summarised U.S. criminal aggressions as follow: Since the end of World War II, the U.S. (supported by NATO military alliance) “has: (1) Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of them were democratically-elected governments; (2) Dropped bombs on the people (civilian populations) of more than 30 defenceless countries; (3) Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders; (4) Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries; (5) Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries; and (6) involved in the practice of torture more than any other country in the world … for over a century … not just performing the actual torture, but teaching it, providing the manuals, and furnishing the equipment”. It is important to note that a country has to be defenceless to qualify for U.S. aggression and terror. This cowardice aggression against defenceless nations is used not only to manufacture an image of U.S. military invincibility, but also to bully and intimidate other countries who refused to kowtow to U.S. imperialist demands.

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. has been on a roll. War after war on defenceless countries – including North Korea (DPRK), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen, to name but a few –, that have never posed a threat to the U.S. – often with the NATO armies serving as a willing brutal mercenary force. Successive U.S. regimes have been pursuing a totalitarian objective of “full-spectrum dominance”. Year after year, country after country. The cost of this Anglo-Zionist barbarism, including the deaths of between 20 and 30 million of innocent civilians needlessly killed in at least 37 defenceless nations. In addition, U.S.-NATO wars are responsible for tens of millions of internally displaced people and refugees and immeasurable wanton destruction and suffering that will take generations to heal. The deliberate wanton destruction of defenceless nations and seizure (theft) of their vital assets are barbaric war crimes and crimes against humanity.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the U.S. as a criminal syndicate masquerading as a country which allocates more than $899 billion to its offensive force. It is governed by a brute rogue regime that despises and violates the UN Charter and international law to achieve its imperialist goals. It is a blood thirsty warmongering gangster regime of megalomaniacs that appointed itself as judge, jury and executioner (assassin) on the global stage.

In Iraq, it is estimated that since 1991, the U.S.-Britain wars of aggression and daily terror against the people of Iraq caused the death of 3 to 5 million innocent Iraqi civilians. The overwhelming majority of them were women and children. At least 1.5 million Iraqis died as a result of sanctions’ caused contaminated water and infectious diseases (Thomas Nagy, The Progressive; September 2001; Democracy Now interviews Thomas Nagy, 13 August 2001, See also: John Pilger, 04 March 2000). More often, U.S. politicians were bragging about how well the genocidal “sanctions are working” and how murdering more than 600,000 Iraqi children under the age of five was a “price worth it”, as former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a Jew and an ardent supporter of Neo-fascist Israel, bragged about the effect of the U.S.-enforced sanctions (economic terrorism).

The decade-long genocidal sanctions devastated the Iraqi society, caused pain and prepared Iraq – as a defenceless nation – for the 2003 U.S.-Britain unprovoked criminal invasion and occupation. It was an unprovoked war of aggression in flagrant violation of the U.N. Charter, that it led to decades of violence and instability whose effects continue to plague the region until today.  It was the supreme international crime built on a pack of lies fabricated in Washington, Tel Aviv and London by the Anglo-Zionist fascist axis. There was literally no reason other than the alleged security interests of the Neo-fascist state of Israel. The U.S.-Britain attacks (“Shock and Awe”) on Baghdad was the biggest and most indiscriminate barbaric act of terrorism in the history of humanity. The Zionist-controlled Anglo-American regimes showed the world what it means to be barbaric. People around the world watched in horror as the Zionist-controlled Western media acted not only as stenographers for the Anglo-Zionist regimes lies but amplifiers of those lies, employing anonymous sources at the expense of their own credibility to create and then service a narrative demanding and justifying aggression. Today’s Iraq is in ruins and illegally occupied by U.S. forces. The fact that not a single Anglo-American politician, including George W. Bush and Tony Blair has been held accountable and punished is criminal in itself. These war criminals remain free unindicted. They have been rehabilitated and presented as experts on “human rights”, “freedom” and “democracy” by the Zionist-controlled Western media.

Recent reports, the Civilian Casualty Files, commissioned by the New York Times focuses on Iraq and Syria  only over three year period between late 2014 and early 2018, shows in extensive detail the shocking scale of war crimes committed by the U.S. in the Middle East. Hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, mostly women children, are documented as a result of indiscriminate aerial bombardments conducted by the U.S. military. It is a fraction of a mass murder considering the U.S. have been occupying and terrorising the two nations for over a decade. It is a mass-murdering regime that has the audacity to lecture, as it arrogantly do all the time, the rest of the world on human rights and rule of law. Since 1991, millions of innocent Iraqi civilians have been terrorised, tortured and killed by U.S.-Britain enforced genocidal sanctions (economic terrorism) and war of aggression. Many millions more have their lives ruined and internally displaced. “Put more bluntly, the reports reveal that the U.S. military deliberately chooses to kill civilians, including children, and employs a brutal tactical calculus that they put on paper in each report. Each report reveals in a combination of bureaucratic acronyms and grunt vulgarities that Washington views the people of the Middle East as detritus in the path of empire,” writes Joseph Scalice in a summary of the Files.  Scalice observes: “One gets a sense from the Civilian Casualty Files of the immense barbarism of U.S. imperialism. Thousands upon thousands of civilians have been killed, families and households wiped out in airstrike after airstrike”. Unashamed, the U.S.-led Western regimes on whose conscience are millions of ruined lives around the world, destroyed nations, countless humanitarian disasters and sponsors of international terrorism have the temerity to lecture other nations, including China and Russia on “human rights” and “democracy”. (See also, The Staggering death Tolls in Iraq, Salon, 19/03/2018).

The U.S. regime refused to end its military occupation of Iraq despite a clear demand by the Iraqi people (and Iraqi Parliament) to end the violent occupation. The U.S. regime’s aim is to keep Iraq in ruins (after nearly three decade-long reign of terror, genocidal sanctions and murderous invasion and occupation) and forever unstable. Former U.S. President the dotard Donald Trump has threatened to impose harsh economic sanctions on Iraq “as they have never seen before” if the Iraqi government vote to expel all U.S.-led forces and end the occupation. And in a “pure mobster-style intimidation”, Trump threatened Iraq will risk losing access to its government bank account if Iraq goes through with its decision to expel U.S.-led foreign forces from the region and, the U.S. will confiscate 35 billion dollars of Iraqi fund held at the Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

Furthermore, no Western organisation – including those so-called “NGOs” – has protested the completely illegal U.S. occupation of large tracts of Syrian territory, including most of Syria’s wheat producing region. This U.S. criminal act is designed to deprive the Syrian people of food and perpetuates the violent activities of U.S.-sponsored terrorists that are causing instability in the country and the region. Where were those Western "experts", journalists and pundits who are attacking and demonising Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Russia today? They are the same people who supported the U.S. war of terror (a.k.a. “democracy building”) all over the world, killing millions of people, destroying large parts of the globe, bombing ancient cultures back to the stone age, and creating the largest refugee crisis. Where were the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) when recent photos surfaced of about 25% of all births in Iraq exhibit the most hideously-deformed babies from U.S. depleted uranium (DU) bombs dropped on population centres? In its attacks on Iraq in 1991, the U.S. dropped more than 300 tons of DU bombs on Iraq. Unconcerned about the people of Iraq and the environment, the U.S. and Britain dropped 1,000 to 2,000 tons of DU bombs on heavily populated areas such as Baghdad, Samawa, Fallujah, Diyala, Najaf, Salahuddin, Basra and Nasiriya (again), and other cities. As a result of U.S.-Britain criminal wars, Iraq is the world most DU-contaminated region in the world with a multifold increase of diseases related to Low Level Radiation (LLR) exposure have been registered amongst Iraqis since 1995, including an increase of children’s leukaemia, congenital malformations, breast cancer etc. A war crime that can only be interpreted as committing unseen genocide against the unarmed civilian population of Iraq. The UN and the ICC are two of the most vital instruments of U.S.-led Anglo-Zionist Fascism in its war and terror on defenceless nations. (For more on U.S. crimes in Iraq, see for example: Larry Romanoff; Souad N. Al-Azzaw, PDF here). How the wanton destruction of Iraq and the genocide that committed there compare with China's alleged mistreatment of its Uyghur Muslim population in Xinjiang province?

U.S.-instigated wars and humanitarian disasters in the Middle East must be recognised “as a chain of interconnected events”. The wars are “component elements of the rapidly escalating into a direct confrontation of the U.S. with Russia and China”, writes David North, the international editor of WSWS. President Putin rightly believes that the U.S.-led NATO lengthy encroachment (a.k.a. military expansion) on the national security of Russia and the Russian people poses an existential threat to Russia. In 2007 at the Munich Security Conference, President Putin likened the U.S.-led NATO threat to the threat posed by Nazi Germany. President Putin became the target of U.S. policy in Russia with the goal of removing him from office – i.e., criminal conspiracy of regime change – by funding and encouraging mass unrest. The U.S.-led NATO political interference in Ukraine in 2014 was part of this ongoing U.S.-led NATO covert war against Russia using Ukraine as a 'geopolitical battering ram'.
The U.S.-sponsored Maidan coup d’état, which ousted the democratically-elected government of Ukraine and installed a pro-U.S. Neo-Nazi regime with rabid anti-Russian crypto-Nazis, prompted Russia to take defensive measures, including uniting the Crimean Peninsula with Russia which was approved by an absolute majority (95.7%) of voters. The coup d’état was orchestrated by the Russophobe Zionist Victoria Nuland who have admitted that the U.S. spent $5 billion to create the current chaos and regime change in Ukraine by supporting the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis opposition to topple the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Not long after the coup d’état, the Donbass Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk had broken away from Ukraine and demanded independence from the regime in Kyiv. The Neo-Nazi regime, refused to negotiate or abide by a negotiated settlement as stipulated in the Minsk Peace Accords. Instead, the regime opted for violence, using indiscriminate terror and torture to subdue the population. After eight years of terror, on 22 February 2022, President Putin recognised the independence of the republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine primarily to protect the Russian-speaking population there. The population of the Donbass region have been exposed to continual aggression by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and Neo-Nazi groups (like Azov Battalion which was founded by Israeli-Ukrainian Jews) that have called for the “extermination” of ethnic Russians who live in the Donbass region. These Neo-Nazi groups are the ideological descendants of Nazi war criminals. They are deeply integrated into the Ukrainian state and military and are being heavily armed with U.S.-NATO weapons. An article in The Nation magazine published in 2019 stated that “[p]ost-Maidan Ukraine is the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces.” While they are vehemently anti-Russians, they are extremely anti-Muslims. They are among the most vicious and malignant terrorists Washington has ever employed to implement its foreign policy agenda. (For more, see Robert Parry ‘Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Demand Respect’). They are the “white clones of ISIS/al-Qaeda” terrorists in Syria. And just like in Syria, the U.S.-NATO alliance has been arming and training Ukrainian Neo-Nazi groups in several secret locations in Ukraine and Poland against Russia. The U.S.-installed Neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv – which includes Svoboda and Right Sektor Neo-Nazi groups – took time to ban the Russian language while torturing and murdering the Russian local population. The U.S. has overtly cooperated with, armed, equipped, supplied and trained an overtly Neo-Nazi regime that have announced plans to produce nuclear weapons on Russia’s border.

On 24 February 2022, in response to requests by the heads of the new Donbass Republics, President Putin had made a decision to carry out the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO). The aims of the Operation are: (1) to put an end to the long-lasting genocide of the Russian-speaking civilians in Donbass who have been suffering from abuse under the U.S.-installed Neo-Nazi regime, (2) to “demilitarise and de-Nazify” the Neo-Nazi regime, and (3) to eliminate the military threat to Russia that is coming from Ukraine’s territory due to the U.S.-NATO aggressive activities. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories noting that the operation was aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. President Putin has every right to defend the safety and security of the Russian people. In fact, that is what people expect of their leaders.

At same time of the SMO, the U.S. attacked Somalia and Yemen killing scores of innocent the civilians. In Yemen, at least 500,000 civilians, mostly women and children have been killed by the Saudi-UAE aggression which is endorsed by the U.S.-led West. The U.S.-NATO ally Israel have been bombing Syria on a daily basis coordinating its attacks with the Daesh (ISIS) terrorists group. The Israeli Neo-fascist regime engages in assassination of Palestinians, kills Palestinian children for sport, and annexes Arab land that it has obtained by force on the Golan Heights and West Bank and dispossessing the original inhabitants. The U.S. Congress, the White House and EU Parliament not only look the other way but continue to arm the Neo-fascist regime. Successive U.S. regimes have endorsed and armed the Israeli Neo-fascist regime against the defenceless Palestinian people. These acts of aggression were unprovoked and in flagrant violation of international law and civilised norms. (For more, listen to Rob Inlakesh). The Russian Operation in Ukraine is legitimate self-defence to protect Russian lives. Its primary long-term aim is to create a buffer zone between Russia and the ever threatening U.S.-led NATO Neo-fascist alliance that poses the greatest threat to Russia and Russians.

The response of the Zionist-controlled Western media have been one of blankly denying that Russia had any reasonable cause. Indeed, all Zionist-controlled Western media have dutifully mounted a massive campaign of information terrorism smearing Russia as “an aggressor without any provocation”. In addition, the Zionist-controlled Western media failed to inform the public about U.S. plans to concentrate its military power at Russia’s borders, the atrocities against the Russian population in Donbass and the corrupt business dealings of U.S. President, the Zionist Joe Biden family in Ukraine. By the way, the crisis in Ukraine (fomented by the U.S. and NATO over the past three decades) is also used to cover up not only Biden’s corruption track but John Kerry’s track, Nancy Pelosi’s track and Matt Romney track. They are hiding the evidence of their corrupt and ugly business dealings in Ukraine.

Why the U.S. regime hates Russia? Despite its willingness to be a U.S.-Western “partner”, Russia remains a target for U.S.-led NATO aggression due to it being perceived as an obstacle to U.S.-led Anglo-Zionist hegemony. Russia is the only country that can challenge the U.S. Russia’s intervention in Syria to thwart the U.S.-NATO alliance covert Zionist war for regime change in Syria is a classic example. In addition, Russia is the world’s largest country with abundant natural resources. Russia is a sovereign nation with tremendous history, unique civilisation, and culture – much superior to the Anglo-American decadent culture and moral degeneracy – and formidable defence forces. Russia is the only military power in the world that can sink the U.S. in the Ocean and turn every ‘unfriendly’ EU/NATO vassal into a car park. Hence, Russia is and has always been America’s number one geopolitical enemy. However, despite U.S. animosity, interference in Russia’s affairs, threat and bullying, Russia under President Putin has demonstrated incredible restraint despite the incessant lies and aggression by the U.S.-led NATO. Russia has pursued peace and diplomacy instead of aggression. Unfortunately, Russia’s efforts have been rejected and met with economic terrorism, aggressive provocation and racist demonization of the Russian people and their leaders.

The U.S.-led vassal-state “allies” are lining up to condemn Russia. They are imposing sweeping economic sanctions – against their nations’ interests – over Russia’s SMO into Ukraine. “Sanctions are not a deterrent to war or a substitute for war. They are in fact an escalation of war. The U.S. and the EU have ganged up to impose over 5,500 sanctions on Russia and are calling on other countries to reconfigure their economies to abide by these extreme economic penalties. The sanctions on Russia are the world’s most extreme economic terrorism measures. Sanctions create hyperinflation, artificial famines, social upheavals and health crises that punish civilian populations. As deadly as bombs, sanctions are an act of war”, writes Sara Flounders in Workers World. All U.S.-imposed sanctions are illegal economic terrorism in flagrant violation of international law. They are crimes against humanity. Fortunately, Russia is self-sufficient and is not dependent on imports. Its exports are critical to the economic well-being of the West and will drastically affect the average European citizens. Indeed, the sanctioning of the Russian population as well as the government is causing people to rally around Putin as the leader, given that they all now feel they are being attacked because of their race.

Economic terrorism and proxy military war against Russia is concomitant with the overwhelming false propaganda campaign (information terrorism), across Europe and North America to demonize and criminalize Russia. For many decades, every American public institution, including the racism-infested studios of Hollywood and the Jews-owned corporate media (including social media) presented a tired and repugnant image of Russia and the Russian people to its audiences. U.S. politicians are openly calling for the assassination of Russia’s President Putin, while British parliamentarians are demanding the deportation of all Russian nationals. President Putin is demonised and called “war criminal”. It is cheap Western war propaganda in which only Western enemies are demonised. We never hear anyone calling George Bush, Tony Blair, John Major, Boris Johnson, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and the dotard Donald Trump and Joe war criminals even though they fit the description of truly career war criminals. They have shown to be bloodthirsty violent and racist politicians. All of them should stand a Nuremberg-like trial for the crimes of war of aggression and crimes against humanity. The fact that the U.S. (and Britain) record of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity dwarfs that of any other country with the sole exception of Israel. In contrast, President Putin has been a peacemaker, home and abroad. He has not committed an international crime comparable to any one of those that the U.S. leaders have committed. President Putin has shown to be a measured, rational and responsible leader who is unperturbed by U.S. war criminals who are addicted to barking, self-aggrandising and aggression.

The U.S. goal is: (1) to isolate and undermine Russia in order to subjugate a weaker Europe, including forcing Germany to abandon Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline; (2) to dismember Russia (“balkanise”) as a stable united country because the U.S. regards Russia a serious “threat” to its expansionist interests; (3) to hinder Russia’s development by Using Russia’s neighbours as staging grounds and storage for nuclear and biological weapons where they could be used in attack against Russian towns and cities; and (4) to prevent the re-emergent of any strong rival to U.S.-led Anglo-Zionist dominance on the region and its vital resources. This is what German Fascism was all about, the destruction of Russia. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated recently: “Today a real hybrid war, a total war has been declared against us. This term, which was used by Nazi Germany, is now used by many European politicians when they explain what they want to do to the Russian Federation. And their goals are not hidden: to destroy, to break, to exterminate, to strangle the Russian economy, and Russia as a whole”. The U.S., is on a path to a new perpetual war, a war that President Biden described will have immense “costs” and “will not be easy.”

Overwhelming evidence show that the U.S.-NATO alliance was plotting to attack Russia with nuclear weapons. In fact, ahead of Biden’s trip to Europe, U.S.-led NATO alliance ‘would discuss potential use of nuclear weapons’ against Russia. Biden warning about Russia using WMDs in Ukraine is sickening beyond words. ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists whom the U.S. supplied with weapons and backed in Syria were responsible for atrocities with chemical weapons as provocations for U.S.-NATO bombing of Syria. There are some 30 U.S.-funded dangerous bio-weapons labs in in Kyiv, Kharkov, Kherson, Lvov, Odessa and Poltava, among other cities, working with anthrax and plague. In fact there are thousands of U.S. bio-weapons labs scattered around the world. The U.S. fund to Ukraine’s Bio-weapons labs is estimated at $200 million and, it seems, the research has been going on for several years. President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is implicated in funding bio-weapons labs in Ukraine through his Pentagon-connected capital investment firm, Seneca. The existence of these dangerous bio-weapon labs was confirmed by no other than the testimony of U.S. Under Secretary of State, the Russophobe Zionist Victoria Nuland and former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Furthermore, the Russian Ministry of Defence alleges that the Kiev regime was seriously considering the possibility of using drones to deploy biological weapons against the population of the Donbass and the Russian Federation.

It is important to remember that by surrounding Russia with military garrison and nuclear bombs, the goal is "to enable the U.S.-led NATO armies to barricade Russia’s military inside its own territory; and potentially to cripple Russia’s economy in any future crisis”, writes former British diplomat, Alastair Crooke. The hostile U.S.-NATO military encirclement of Russia is designed to block Russia’s access to the sea and eventually defeat (weaken) Russia militarily. As former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, William Burns observed: “Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests”. The ongoing vicious anti-Russia propaganda shows that Russia is under serious military threat. The threat posed by the U.S.-led NATO alliance against Russia today is surpassed the threat once posed by Nazi Germany. It is coupled with insidious brainwashing global propaganda and nuclear weapons that threatened the survival of Humanity. It is not Russia that’s deploying its armies on the borders of Canada and Mexico, it is the U.S.-led NATO armies and nuclear weapons that are deployed on the Russia’s borders.

To make Russia the “evil enemy”, racism against Russians, lies and information terrorism being pumped out to the masses by the Zionists-controlled Western media across the U.S. and Europe on a daily basis. In addition to demonising Russians and promoting hatred of Russians, the Neo-fascist social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are allowing their users to call for violence against Russians and death of President Putin. It is the consequence of hysteria and insanity that engulfed the U.S.-led countries. Ignoring both facts and context the U.S.-led regimes and their Zionist-controlled corporate media are relentlessly promoting war propaganda to justify this U.S.-led Western hostility to their own beleaguered populations. Indeed, “European citizens are funding mechanisms inducing their own ignorance and misinformation”. The aim is “to whitewash out any other views whatsoever for European citizens who are searching for facts and want to examine the version of events from the other side”. It is a one way street. Today, Russians are persecuted and sanctioned simply for the crime of being Russians, just like the prosecution of Muslims for being Muslims. It is very easy because the hatred is already there. All the Zionist-controlled media and politicians need is to ignite the fire of hatred. Russians are forced to denounce their Russian nationality. Russians living abroad and stripped of their assets and human rights. They are getting death threats and violence for doing nothing. Racism and violence against Russians have become a daily ritual. People around the world can freely insult Russians and cancel Russian culture. It is worse than the racism and hatred experienced by Russians (and other Slavic people) under the German Nazis nearly 90 years ago.

The current crisis in Ukraine was started by the U.S-controlled Ukraine, not by Russia. It is important to remember that in 2019 a report ‘Overextending and Unbalancing Russia’ by the U.S. policy think tank the Rand Corporation. The report sets out various scenarios for destabilising and weakening Russia, including “imposing deeper trade and financial sanctions” and “providing lethal aid to Ukraine” but without provoking “a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages”. The U.S. interference in Ukraine was part of a campaign to exploit the divisions in Ukrainian society and coerce the country into the US.-NATO alliance to threatened Russia’ security. In a nutshell, Russia is defending herself against U.S.-led Western-sponsored terrorism using Ukraine as a ‘cannon fodder’ in a U.S. proxy-war with Russia. In other words, Ukraine is just a pawn in U.S.-NATO Neo-fascist agenda.

For eight years, Russia made concerted efforts for a political settlement to the civil war in Ukraine as mandated by the Minsk Accords (negotiated in 2014 and 2015). The U.S.-controlled Ukrainian regime in Kyiv repudiated the political path at every step despite the Accords being authorized at the highest international level by the United Nations Security Council. More than 14000 ethnic Russians, including 500 children have been killed and more than 100,000 have been internally displaced by troops loyal to the Ukrainian UBS and neo-Nazi groups (Azov Battalion), who have been besieging and killing the Russian population in the Donbas region. ”Despite the mass killing of innocent Russian civilians, there were no words of sympathy and compassion for the people of Donbas among the so-called “civilised” U.S.-led Western political and Zionist-controlled media establishments. The people of Donbass were treated like the Palestinians massacred by the Israeli Neo-fascist regime. The German Chancellor Olof Scholz who said Germany is in “lockstep” with Washington has dismissed the massacre of Russian civilians in Donbass. Scholz said it is "really ridiculous" to say that "there is something like genocide" in Donbass.  Scholz is the leader of a coalition regime (Red-Red-Green) of a new breed of German Neo-fascist politicians claiming to be “Socialist”, “Left” and “Green” who are subservient to U.S. imperialist agenda of aggression against Russia and China. By turning a blind eye to crimes committed by Ukrainian UBS and neo-Nazi militias, the Scholz-led coalition is indirectly supporting "what amounts to second generation 1930s-40s political Nazi thought", which is on the rise across xenophobic and racist Europe.

On 16 December 2021, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) passed its annual resolution on “Combating Glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” with 130 countries voting in favour and only the U.S. and Ukraine voted against. Out of a total 193 members countries, 51 countries including all members of the EU, Australia, New Zealand and Canada were among those who abstained from voting. “The current Ukrainian political establishment does not only have a connection with neo-Nazi groups and armies, it is also disturbingly and embarrassingly pro-Israeli. One of Ukraine’s President (drag queen) Volodymyr Zelensky (an extremist Zio-Nazi Jew) first act as President was to withdraw Ukraine from the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People – the only international tribunal that makes sure the Palestinian Holocaust (Nakba) is not denied or forgotten. Zelensky had no sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation, nor did he consider them to be victims of any war crime. “In his interviews after the last barbaric Israeli bombardment of the defenceless Palestinian population of Gaza in May 2021, [Zelensky] stated that the only tragedy in Gaza was the one suffered by the Israelis.  If this is so, then it is only the Russians who suffer in the Ukraine”, writes Ilan Pappé, a professor at the University of Exeter, UK.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi forces have a long history of committing atrocities against the Russian-speaking Ukrainian population in Ukraine. Germany will be joining with the U.S. in training these neo-Nazi elements in Poland - the CIA has been doing such since 2015 – to be used as proxy force against Russia assisting the “one hundred thousand U.S. soldiers deployed in Europe in recent years for the war against Russia. As Russia tries to de-Nazify Ukraine, Germany and other members of the EU are encouraging European volunteers to join in a U.S.-led effort to use Neo-Nazi elements to resist Russia, just as in the way international terrorists were trained to terrorise Syrians and resist Russia in Syria.

Just as the U.S.-led NATO have been doing since 2014, deliberately provoking Russia by supplying arms, intelligence, mercenaries and advanced weaponry, including combat drones and long-range anti-aircraft systems into Ukraine to prepare the regime for war against Russia, the German and Swedish governments decided to step up their militarisation, and reverses their policies not to supply weapons to Ukraine. These decisions mark a radical departure in European politics since World War II. Germany’s new coalition of Neo-Fascist politicians has overturned a long-standing German policy that was rooted in Nazi Germany’s history as an aggressor during World War II. Pouring oil on fire, the U.S. donated $1 billion in taxpayer-funded military aid to Ukraine to pay for anti-armour systems, anti-aircraft systems, large quantity of small arms and ammunition. Furthermore, some EU members are using “humanitarian aid” (food and medicines), carried out by cargo planes and vehicles with UN and OSCE or with medical symbols as a cover to transfer weapons, ammunition and explosives destined for Ukraine to fuel the conflict. In addition, the U.S.-NATO militaries are involved in providing intelligence to the Ukrainians for lethal targeting of Russian troops.

The Russian SMO in Ukraine completes the anti-Russian campaign that finds its origins in the provocative and hostile rhetoric towards Russia propagated by the U.S. and its vassal-state allies. Their aim is to stoke tensions in Ukraine and to thereby compromise the security and territorial integrity of Russia. The deliberate disseminating of fake news, of insidious allegations, as well as doctored photos and videos, all of this to prevented Russia from exercising its natural right to defend its sovereignty and its security, as well as to protect its people in line with the UN charter. According to Professor Heinz Dieterich, director of the Centre for Transition Sciences (CTS) at the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico City, “not only is [SMO] fully justified in international law by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, but it is fully consistent with the military praxis and doctrine of the legitimate self-defence of states in the face of an imminent threat emanating from a neighbouring state or enemy forces." Hence, Russia’s SMO in Ukraine is a legitimate self-defence reminiscent of the U.S.S.R. self-defence against Nazi Germany.

Russia is facing an existential threat by the U.S.-led NATO Neo-fascist alliance that uses aggression and blackmail to impose its dictates on other nations and subjugates the world. The Neo-fascist alliance rejected peace and cooperation and instead resorts to economic terrorism and aggression. Having the military and the economic capabilities, Russia has every right to self-defence and should hit back with equal determination. Unless the U.S.-led NATO alliance abdicates its offensive mobilization on Russia’s borders that could constitute an existential threat, Russia should implement strategic deterrence capabilities targeting every U.S.-NATO military installation that poses imminent threat to Russia and Russians.

Ghali Hassan is a science researcher and an independent political analyst in Australia.

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