The military coup in Honduras has drawn worldwide condemnation. One of the first things the golpistas did in the military coup was to shut down the media. Reuters reported,
"Shortly after the Honduran military seized President Manuel Zelaya and flew him to Costa Rica on Sunday, soldiers stormed a popular radio station and cut off local broadcasts of international television networks CNN en Espanol and Venezuelan-based Telesur, which is sponsored by leftist governments in South America. A pro-Zelaya channel also was shut down. The few television and radio stations still operating on Monday played tropical music or aired soap operas and cooking shows."
Police violently attack counter-coup protests
CNN here in South America is giving very little attention to the coup, focusing more on Michael Jackson's death and their regular programming. Telesur has been broadcasting video of large demonstrations by the people, countering the coup d'etat in Tegucigalpa, Honduras - and violent attacks on them by the Honduran police, firing directly on the crowds with rifles and tear gas at times and beating protestors with batons. Telesur coverage shows people being hauled off in ambulances with what appear to be gunshot wounds and head wounds from beatings. Any attempt by the western media to present this as a bloodless coup is obviously an attempt to deceive.
You can see Telesur's video of the police and military attacks on HERE
The People Respond
The following You Tube video of a protest does not show these reactions by the police but does show the size and spirit of the counter-coup crowds. It's difficult to imagine how this coup will stand given the response by the people. The details of the coup in Honduras is almost a carbon copy of the attempted coup in Venezuela in April, 2002. The only remaining question is whether the people will be able to "storm the palace", run the fascists out and bring President Zelaya back as the Venezuelan people did in 2002. Stay tuned to Axis of Logic for updates.
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