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NASA satellites capture amazing pictures of Queensland floods Printer friendly page Print This
By Dan Nancarrow
Brisbane Times
Thursday, Jan 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

US space agency NASA has released striking satellite images of the effect of floods on regional Queensland.

The pictures use thermal and natural imaging to highlight and the contrast the size of swelling rivers.

Flooding around Rockhampton

The top image is a close up of the bottom false colour image taken by NASA's Terra satellite's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer on Wednesday, January 5. In the image, water is seen in medium blue and light blue, while vegetation is in red.

Buildings can be seen as patches of grey-blue while the light blue clouds cast dark shadows across the area.

Flooding appears severe west of the river while flooding is also extensive south of Rockhampton and along the west of the city.

Flooding in Queensland

The top image shows the flooded rivers in the Fitzroy Basin on Tuesday.

The bottom image shows the same rivers on December 14, before severe flooding occurred.

According to NASA, rivers usually appear black in this type of image but are blue here due to thick sediment.

The images were taken by NASA's Aqua satellite, using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer.

Heavy sediment along the Queensland Coast

This image, taken on Tuesday by NASA's Aqua satellite, shows the large quantity of sediment dumped on the coast by floodwaters.

The satellite used its Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer to show the waters around Cape Bowling Green turning muddy brown.

It also shows a thick plume of sediment near the Great Barrier Reef.

Flooding in Queensland II

The top photo of the swollen rivers in Central Queensland was taken on December 31 by NASA's Terra satellite.

The below photo was taken a year earlier on December 28, 2009 to contrast the effects of flooding.

Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer the images use infrared and visible light to increase water and land contrast.

Clouds range from off-white to bright blue-green. Vegetation is bright green. Bare ground appears in shades of red and pinkish brown.

NASA says: "Compared to the image acquired a year earlier, the rivers between Rockhampton and Emerald are all swollen. Water has not only filled frequently dry river valleys, but also pushed over river banks in some places."

Source: Brisbane Times

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