By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
Submitted by Poet
Sunday, Jul 3, 2022
Hatred is metal solidified into a bullet that hits its hated target,
metal being best left in the ground in the first place
rather than both victim and bullet returned to the ground.
Slow down the mechanical mind that thinks to reach
too quickly for the trigger
without a thought of thanks for the metal from the Mother Earth,
slow down the mining of the metal
from the Mother without a thought of the Mother,
slow down the man-making of the bullet,
stop the killing, stop hurting the Mother.
Slow that down
so there’s more time for feeling and dealing
with the hateful emotions,
if we can foster hate-control
we could minimize that solidified bit of metal,
a griefless object hurled that causes grief,
mothers and fathers crying
for lost sons and daughters,
sisters for brothers and brothers for sisters,
grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews crying,
metal crying
for being used as a weapon instead of, say,
a cast iron skillet.
Some may say, self-defense . . .
and i won’t argue with that right to self-defense
but slow the reaction,
slow the mind that thinks to reach,
slow the hand that grabs for,
slow the finger that pulls,
slow that down and we have
a chance to stop the killing,
stop hurting the Mother,
if we could boil that down,
boil that solidified bit of metal down
to a liquid,
boil that hatred down to what it really is
a river of tears
to stop the killing,
stop hurting the Mother,
stop hurting ourselves,
stop messing with the metal
in the ground.
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. Check out his newest book Moving Through The Empty Gate Forest: inside looking out.
In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. His website is here.
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