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Turkey to take in NATO ground forces Printer friendly page Print This
By News Bulletin
Big News Network
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011

Editor's Note: All along, Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has worn two faces, one for the people of Turkey and the other for the US/NATO imperialists. He put on a big show of outrage on May 31, 2010 when the Israelis attacked the MV Mavi Marmara in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, slaughtering 9 Turks on the way to break the siege of Gaza. In 2009 at the World Economic Forum he famously told Israel's Peres, "When it comes to killing you know it too well." But Erdoğan's language mean nothing in light of his actions. It's only a matter of time when the Turkish people rise up and he outlives his usefulness to the U.S. and goes the way of all U.S. puppets.

- Les Blough, Editor

Turkey has agreed that NATO can turn its airbase in Turkey into a base for ground operations into Syria.

Turkey has agreed that NATO can turn its airbase in Turkey into a base for ground operations into Syria.

The country will become the main base in the area for the US-led military alliance’s ground forces.

NATO’s Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said the alliance will transfer the bulk of its ground forces from a military base in the city of Heidelberg in southwestern Germany.

Other troops will arrive from Spain to be placed at the Izmir Air Station in western Turkey, which will now become the centre for ground troops.

Turkey has recently toughened its opinion on neighbouring Syria, where unprecedented civilian unrest has led to the deaths of many people.

Ankara has already created its own military bases close to the common border with Syria.

Source: Big News Network 

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