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Honduras: 17 year old student, Nahum Guerra, killed on the battlefront for public education Printer friendly page Print This
By News Bulletin
Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular
Saturday, Aug 27, 2011

Nahum Guerra, 17 years old, in his second year of agronomy studies at the "Pompilio Ortega" Agricultural School in Macueliso, Santa Barbara, was assassinated on August 22nd at 7:00pm while on shift with other student colleagues at the front gate of his college on the international western highway.

Nahum and his student colleagues had taken over the agricultural school with the purpose of defending public education, in front of a bonfire illuminating the Honduran flag. These students, heroic and patriotic, united their voices with thousands of students across the country in defense of their right to public education.

The State media campaign against students is no longer tolerable. A vehicle was circulating along the highway, and upon seeing the bonfire, the students, and the Honduran flag, its occupants shouted "Strikers, Strikers!" and opened fire on them. The bullets struck Nahum.

The people of the department of Santa Barbara condemn these acts of violence and impunity, and the violation of human rights. We declare ourselves in solidarity with the students of the agricultural school and with the family of Nahum in Cabañas, department of Copán, in light of this irreparable loss.

We condemn these acts of violence and death and consider Misters Porfirio Lobo [President of the Republic], Juan Orlando Hernandez [President of Congress], and Alejandro Ventura [Minister of Education] responsible for the education crisis in the country.

Long live the students!

Nahum your death will be a seed of liberty.

Translated by FOA

Source: Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular

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