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Venezuelan Government Rejects Meddling Statements by U.S. State Department Printer friendly page Print This
By Press Release
Venezuelan Ministry of Communication and Information
Friday, Oct 21, 2011

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela roundly rejects the meddling statements made by the spokesperson of the U.S. Department of State on Wednesday, October 19th, 2011, regarding institutional matters pertaining exclusively to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Not satisfied with its policy of systematic aggression toward the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, the U.S. government attempts to question the administrative decisions of the technical regulatory organs and the rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice, which constitutes unacceptable disregard for the constitutional order of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In a display of nerve and cynicism, the State Department spokesperson criticized a decision of the highest Judicial Power of Venezuela, ignoring the principle of the separation of powers that his government purports to defend. What is more, it is particularly disconcerting to note that this spokesperson always has on hand prepared responses to questions asked about Venezuela by obliging journalists, especially when it comes to exalting the independence of the media.

The speed and vehemence with which the State Department reacts when corrupt politicians or unscrupulous businessmen are sanctioned in Venezuela demonstrates yet again that the U.S. government finances and uses these characters to undermine the democratic institutions that the vast majority of Venezuelans have chosen to construct in a sovereign manner.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela points out that the U.S. government, by repeatedly attacking the dignity and honor of the institutions of the Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela, is solely responsible for the ever greater deterioration of bilateral relations.
Caracas, October, 19, 2011.

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations

Source: Venezuelan Ministry of Communication and Information

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