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Haitian president goes to Cuba Printer friendly page Print This
By Eduardo Palomares Calderón
Granma Internacional
Sunday, Nov 20, 2011

SANTIAGO DE CUBA.— At the end of his visit to Cuba in this city Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly described his meeting with Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro as a historic moment, while also highly valuing his talks with President Raúl Castro.

"They were very good opportunities for further developing relations between our two countries on the basis of solidarity," he noted.

Evaluating the results of his official visit, Martelly stated that he discussed with his Cuban counterparts points of action to reinforce cooperation.

"The work of Cuban health professionals in our country, the training of more than 700 young Haitians as doctors and what has been done in other areas of cooperation are very important, because they are contributing to the future of Haiti," he observed.

During his brief visit to Santiago de Cuba, the Haitian President toured the Mayor General Antonio Maceo Plaza de la Revolución, where he was informed of some aspects of the life of the Cuban independence leader, and met with the close to 300 Haitian medical students attending courses here.

Lázaro Expósito Canto, first secretary of the Communist Party in the province, and Reynaldo García Zapata, president of the provincial government bade farewell to the visitor at the Antonio Maceo international airport.

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