By Paul Richard Harris, Editor, Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic exclusive
Saturday, Jan 21, 2012
The United States claims Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons.
Israel says Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons.
Iran says it is trying to build nuclear power generation - you know, the same kind of activity the US paid Iran to do during the reign of the Shah.
But suppose the US and Israel are right? Suppose Iran is trying to produce nuclear weaponry. Should they? Should they be allowed to?
It's pretty clear that the US and Israel don't hold the moral high ground on this issue. The US's actions in Iraq and elsewhere might have left the Iranian regime no choice but to pursue nuclear-weapons capability. Try to see it from their perspective - it would amount to a dereliction of their patriotic duty to leave Iran open to a US-led invasion.
Guess who's military bases are right here? |
If the map above depicted your country in the middle, would you just sit there and wait to see what happens?
Paul Richard Harris is an Axis of Logic editor and columnist, based in Canada - this article is posted from Playa el Tirano, Venezuela. He can be reached at
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