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Gassing Syrians - All the Cool Kids are doing it Printer friendly page Print This
By Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic and Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars
Friday, Sep 6, 2013

It's said that the first casualty of war is the truth. The fact is, the truth never raises its head above ground in most international affairs, least of all in war.

So right now we have the United States (and others) claiming - without much more than a gut feeling - that the government of Syria has used toxic gas, probably sarin, on its own people. There isn't too much doubt about the occurrence of the event (although there are some who claim it never happened at all), but no conclusive indication of who was behind it, assuming it did take place. If, as the Syrian government claims, the rebels did it, guess who would have given them the poisons? [Hint: ... oh never mind, you know exactly who would have given them.] Bear in mind these are the same United States that ...
  1. Dumped 20 million gallons of chemicals on Vietnam from 1962–1971
  2. Provided Israel with white phosphorus to attack Palestinian civilians in 2008–2009
  3. Attacked Iraqi civilians with white phosphorus in 2004
  4. Helped Saddam Hussein massacre Iranians and Kurds with chemical weapons in 1988
  5. Tested chemicals on residents of poor, black St. Louis neighbourhoods in the 1950s
  6. Fired tear gas at Occupy protesters in 2011
  7. Attacked men, women, and children with tear gas in Waco in 1993
  8. Littered Iraq with toxic and radioactive Depleted Uranium in 2003
  9. Killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians with napalm from 1944 – 1945
  10. Dropped nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities in 1945
... so it is worth paying attention to them. Not because of their moral authority, of which they are entirely bereft, but because of their vast experience. It's safe to say they are horrified at the clumsiness of the poison gas events in Syria and are looking at them with a critical and professional eye.

Now, as we all know, the United States is a bastion of honesty so we can be absolutely sure that when they tell us someone else did something bad, well then by gum they must have done it. Washington would never mislead us.

But here's a guy - an American, no less - who thinks Washington is full of horsefeathers. His name is Alex Jones and he is well known as a complete idiot. But, from time to time, he manages to unearth stories that no one else seems willing to hear and that eventually turn out to be true. What follows might be one of those stories.

I know, I know ... how could we possibly think the US government is bullshitting all of us. But just in case Mr Jones has hit on one of those ultimately true stories again, here it is:

Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons
by Paul Joseph Watson

A video has emerged of an opposition rebel militant in Syria apparently confessing to using chemical weapons in order to follow Osama Bin Laden’s mantra of killing women and children.

The individual in the clip, Nadeem Baloosh, is a member of an insurgent group called Riyadh Al Abdeen, which is active in the Latakia area of Syria.

Baloosh speaks of “chemicals which produce lethal and deadly gases that I possess,” before going on to state, “We decided to harm them through their women and kids.”

Baloosh ponders if it is acceptable to harm women and children before quoting the Koran, “Fight them as they fight you. ” He goes on to quote Osama Bin Laden (whom other rebel groups have openly praised).

“We’ll kill their women and children like Sheikh Osama Bin Laden said – “until they cease killing our women and kids,” he states.

Baloosh goes on to talk about the Syrian Army approaching the area where his rebel group was located, before stating, “So we had the idea that this weapon was very powerful and effective to repel them, we announced if they approached one meter, everything is permitted.”
“We will strike them in their homes, we will turn their day into night and their night into day,” adds Baloosh.

The footage adds to the increasing weight of evidence that suggests US-backed rebels possess and have used chemical weapons on more than one occasion, although such reports have been habitually downplayed by the mainstream media.

On September 5 Russia announced that it had compiled a 100 page report proving opposition rebels “were behind a deadly sarin gas attack in an Aleppo suburb earlier this year.”

Carla Del Ponte, the leading member of the UN inquiry into the attack, which happened in March, told Swiss TV that there existed “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof” that rebels were responsible for the atrocity.

As we highlighted last week, Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta admitted to a reporter that they were responsible for last month’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

In addition, leaked phone conversations that emerged earlier this year between two members of the Free Syrian Army contain details of a plan to carry out a chemical weapons attack capable of impacting an area the size of one kilometer. Footage was also leaked showing opposition militants testing what appeared to be nerve agents on laboratory rabbits.

There are also multiple other videos which apparently show US-backed rebels preparing and using chemical weapons.

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