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Venezuela's Consulate General invites you to film screening of Diario de Bucaramanga at Boston University Printer friendly page Print This
By Announcement
Consulate General of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Thursday, Nov 14, 2013



The Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in
Boston is honored to invite you to attend the film screening of
"Diario de Bucaramanga," which will take place on Tuesday November,
19th, at the Boston University campus.

This film depicts one of the most dramatic episodes that took place
during "The Great Colombia, the sublime political and military
masterpiece of the Liberator; the events that precipitated the
disintegration of the Great Colombia, culminating in the decline and
eclipse of Colombia’s Sun, Simón Bolívar." This drama lacks the
interpretation of a historian because it was written at the time by
order of the Liberator, by his scribe of French origin, General Luís
Perú de Lacroix, whose background included serving in General Napoleon
Bonaparte’s army.

This suggests that the work of General de Lacroix was very objective,
especially motivated by the circumstances that prevailed around him.
With all certainty, learning about this episode of history directly
from one of the protagonists, will definitely contribute to the
enrichment of our knowledge of Latin American history.


Where: Metcalf Small Ballroom. George Sherman Union, 2nd floor.

Boston University. 775 Commonwealth Ave.

Time : 7:00pm

Free attendance, Reception to follow

Public transportation: Green Line "B," BU Central stop

Sponsored by Voces Hispánicas/Hispanic Voices (an initiative of the
Department of Romance Studies of Boston University, underwritten by
Santander Universities Global Division) and the Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Boston.

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