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Venezuela News from the Crackdown - Cocchiola under investigation flees the country Printer friendly page Print This
By Arturo Rosales
Axis of Logic
Sunday, Nov 17, 2013

The latest news on the owner of the IMECA chain of wood and hardware stores, Miguel Cocchiola, is that yesterday (Saturday November 16th) he boarded a private jet in the western city of Barquisimeto and fled the country with destination to the Dutch island of Curacao. When speaking of this on national public television, President Maduro stated that he paid USD$20,000 for his 20 minute flight to Curacao.

Related: News from the Crackdown on Usury in Venezuela
- Axis of Logic.
Cocchiola cannot be called a fugitive from justice at this point in time as he had not been charged with anything. Nevertheless, an investigation is underway into his IMECA business where speculation and usury were rife based on the incontrovertible evidence gathered by the Presidential Inspection Teams at three of IMECA’s outlets and broadcast on live TV.

Cocchiola was candidate for the post of mayor of Venezuela’s third largest city, Valencia in Carabobo state but with municipal elections exactly three weeks away, it appears that he has now abandoned this ambition as well as abandoning the opposition parties and leaving them without a candidate in this key city.

Last night President Nicolas Maduro, after being officially informed by Carabobo governor Francisco Ameliach of Cocchiola’s flight, appealed to the leaders of the Venezuelan right wing to bring Cocchiola back to the country. He should be present while the investigation continues into his multimillion dollar businesses and be prepared to face any charges related to the crimes for which he could be responsible.

We see little chance of this happening and do not expect the three political leaders on the opposition Ramón Guillermo Aveledo, Henry Ramos Allup or Alfonso Marquina to even utter a word in support of Cocchiola and this is a certain vote loser. There are many fugitives from Venezuelan justice in Lima, Bogotá, Miami, Panama and Madrid for crimes as diverse as corruption, theft of public money, usury and terrorism.

- Arturo Rosales
Axis of Logic

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