Opposition Mob Targets Venezuelan Actors in El Hatillo Restaurant
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By Arturo Rosales writes from Caracas. Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Sunday, Mar 9, 2014
The video republished below is a scene that happened on Friday night in the middle – upper middle class municipality of El Hatillo in the east of Caracas.
The name of the restaurant in question is Hajillos and the Venezuelan actors Roque Valero and Jorge Reyes were enjoying what they thought would be a quiet meal with family and friends.
Roque Valero (L) and Jorge Reyes, Lead Actors in Bolivar - The Man of Difficulties. They can also be seen interviewed on Televen. It's in Spanish but it provides a sense of their good natured personalities.
The local “citizens” arrived who do not agree with Valero’s or Reyes’ socialist politics and started to intimidate and harass them with a cacophony of pot banging. The “citizens” gradually transformed themselves into a fascist mob of about 100 people.
The mob trapped them inside and Valero had the courage to come to the door to speak with them. He asked them what they wanted? What he had done? There was silence as there is no answer to justify this type of irrational behavior.
Then someone yelled “asesino” - murderer – at Valero and the aggressive harassment started all over again. Toward the end of the video you will hear someone call him a “mamaguevo.” The meaning is “cocks---er.
More insults were hurled and the pot banging continued for four hours with the families trapped inside.
Why this attack on Valero?
What was his crime? The crime is being a chavista in radical opposition areas and Valero was selected for this treatment because he is playing the lead role of Simón Bolívar in the successful movie “Bolívar – The Man of Difficulties”.
Where were the local police, you may ask? They had four hours to respond and did nothing. This is because the mayor of El Hatillo, David Smolansky, a member of the Neo Nazi party, Popular Will, is complicit in these actions. In municipalities controlled by the opposition the police allow such aggressions to take place and do nothing to prevent it.
There were women and children in the restaurant suffering these aggressions and insults. What mentality can victimize other citizens for thinking differently? The mentality is that which has been spawned by over a decade of hate-mongering against chavismo by the private TV, radio and newspapers.
Why in El Hatillo?
These incidents only happen where the fascist middle class, feeling safe and protected by complicit mayors and police commanders, can act with impunity. They would not dare or have the courage to go to the west of Caracas and behave like this as they would be run out - back to their own leafy suburbs.
No opposition politician has condemned this behavior and it will not be reported in the main newspapers or private TV stations of the country because chavistas are an “inferior breed” that deserves to be treated in this way – even innocent children.
Watch the video and appreciate what brutish behavior the more prosperous and “educated” sections of the Venezuelan middle class opposition practice against people who think differently to them.
We include the top page of comments below the video on YouTube to show the readers' celebration this aggression.
Leslie Arocha and Oscar Portillo - "Go eat in Petare! HAHAHAHAHAHA" (Petare is the largest barrio inhabited by low wage earners and many people of color)
Silverboarding - "Are you crazy? Go beyond with the cacerolean (pot-banging) - also go to Miraflores" (Presidential Residence).
Mel Annie - "in Petare or wherever." (i.e. away from here.)
Merlis Garcia - "Eat it in your buttocks, bastard."
Roger Roa - Petare? "Go to eat in Cuba! And go live in Cuba!"
José Katan - Go eat dinner in Cuba!
Flava Salas - Go to eat in Petare mamaguevo! (cocks---er). hahaha
Jon Scar - Go to eat in Petare mamaguevo! hahaha
Blazeken + Merlis Garcia "Go eat shit, son of chavista bitch."
Eloy Vielma - [We're] ringing the pot in your fucking face. Liars!!!!!
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