By Failed Evolution
Blacklisted News
Monday, Jun 2, 2014
The top political leadership in Venezuela, presented on 28/5/2014, evidence for the involvement of the former MP of the Opposition, María Machado, in planning a coup d'état in Venezuela and the assassination of president Nicolas Maduro.
According to Prensa Latina news agency, the member of the political leadership, Jorge Rodríguez, presented the corresponding judicial inquiry in detail, held by the judicial authorities of the country.
This is related to several email messages sent by the former MP which connect her with the violence acts in the country since the beginning of the year. It involves also US officials, like Kevin Whitaker, current US ambassador in Colombia.
"In the streets, more in the streets, anti-government acts in metro, buses, this struggle will go to the end", wrote in one of her email.
In another message to the former politician and UN ambassador, Diego Arria, she points the need to eliminate Revolution, stating that "we should take advantage of the situation in Unkraine and now Thailand". She also points that "we should secure funds to eliminate Maduro and the rest will fall by itself".
According to the messages, other people involved are, Gustavo Tarre, constitutional lawyer and university professor, ex-governor of Carabobo state Henrique Salas Romer, and Eligio Cedeño, banker and funder of the opposition.
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