José Martí, a Cuban
poet and a revolutionary hero, once remarked how “the nation that buys,
commands,” and “the nation that sells, serves.” Martí’s perspicacious
observation holds especially true for oil-producing nations in Latin America
today. Consumers in the United States constitute such an indispensible milieu
for the consumption of international oil, and oil products, that competing in
US markets seems a must for would-be suppliers. To that end, US consumption
lends itself to private firms that largely dictate trade terms with developing
world governments. Such dealings seldom benefit poor nations.
Regularly, the
governments of Latin American nations that seek to capitalize on their oil
stores find themselves deliberating costly extraction at the expense of the
people they serve. One option is for the governments to secure public-private
partnerships (PPPs) with big firms in order to make financing extraction more
feasible. But there is no need to celebrate private firm assistance in such
matters when rich-world technology is made largely unavailable to poorer
nations - for rather unneighborly reasons.
Increasingly, a
globalization of capitalism-contrived poverty seeks to further indenture poorer
nations, protracting limits on their economic sustainability as sovereignties. This
goes beyond just the normal privation of indispensible technologies. Predisposing
these resource-rich nations to initiating disadvantageous policy at home thus helps
to make prices in US markets, for example, more ‘competitive’. In turn, profits
increase for oil executives while simultaneously functioning to reward
shareholders with increased share value. Furthermore, the ends
of such capitalistic pillage in the Third World are far more important to big
oil companies than the wellbeing of, or the future viability of, the countries
that brace for extraction and mournful economic inroads. With few state-run
exceptions, this is the reality.
Rapacious foreign interest
targets oil powers in Latin America. They know that after years of oppression,
nations have little recourse other than involving themselves with private
firms, even if only for the simple need to attract foreign investment.
Resources then fall to foreign plunder without serious economic benefits
reaching impoverished citizens. Again, Latin American nations have been
impoverished for reasons not all their own; participating in the global economy
is thus not so much a choice as it is an obvious essential for nations to merely
subsist. Yet, firms know that any nation that can script its own economic
future happens to be a nation that actually holds the power for
self-determination. This capacity, to write the rules and to proffer pro-nation
policy, is a menace to stratifying and repatriating profits. Private interests
therefore whine that this discourages making any investment in a given country,
a country that dares to have its own good at the fore of its policy decisions,
rather than the enrichment of private, foreign corporations.
One Latin American country
landlocked in the Heart of South America epitomizes the developing world
imperative to sell its oil in the bare bones desire for sustainable economic
growth and sovereignty. Paraguay, a country with the landmass of Germany but about
one-twelfth the population, is currently busy exploring its potential, albeit
uncertain, quantities of hydrocarbons. For now, the fingers of many Paraguayan
politicians are crossed so hard that they are turning blue. Paraguay’s
leadership has been especially avid about its potential hydrocarbon
industrialization within the last two years. In 2013, the government reported
to newspapers that it had some 14 trillion cubic meters of oil and gas caches. Such
numbers would place Paraguay ahead of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and the US.
Despite other hyperbolic claims of having some of the largest reserves that the
world has ever known, Paraguay may indeed soon be recognized as one of Latin
America’s largest homes for hydrocarbons.
One question many ask is why
Paraguay has not endeavored to capitalize more on its allegedly unimaginable
amounts oil. Certainly there are consumers in the US, among other markets, that
would pay for Paraguayan petroleum. For now, however, it seems that Paraguay’s oil
proves a risky exploration for oil companies. Drilling is expensive and the
size of Paraguay’s Chaco basin alone is intimidating. Paraguay drilled almost
50 oil wells from the late 1940s to the 2000s, and no significant oil was
found. Even under Paraguayan dictator Alfred Stroessner, policy was established
in order to attract foreign investment with favorable regulation. But little
has since materialized.
It is also important to
remember Paraguay’s past. This eager South American nation, which was run by
military dictatorship not so long ago, is still paving a tumultuous road toward
what many hope will prove a blossoming democracy for a nation where there are
many landless poor. Some aver that Paraguay has only just begun exploring
serious avenues to find and extract its oil. Undeniably, Paraguay’s political
and economic future is largely caught up with what it stands to find regarding
its reportedly substantial amounts of oil. Any pending policy concerning oil, or
potential trade with the US, will invariably shape Paraguay’s future in
approaching years.
José-Pablo Buerba, a political
economist from Mexico City, recently spent a few months in Paraguay. He met
with several of the political intelligentsia responsible for Paraguayan
statecraft. Buerba suggests that Paraguay views its political and economic
transition as one of modernization. He also reports that leadership in Paraguay
espouses rhetoric suggesting Paraguay views its current economy as “young”.
Given the political upheaval of recent decades, and especially the 2012
deposition of President Fernando Lugo (which left Paraguay $260 million in
debt), this projected paradigm makes a good bit of sense. And while monetary
devaluation has not plagued Paraguay like some of its South American neighbors,
the country nonetheless seeks to further its democratic stability so as to
ensure long-term economic stabilization.
Interestingly, it was just
before former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez cut short the Caracas Energy
Agreement (ACEC) in 2012 that Paraguay received nearly 8,500 barrels of oil
from Venezuela daily. Certainly, noteworthy amounts of oil in Paraguay’s own
backyard would serve to bolster its own ability for political and economic
determination to a new degree. While Chávez is no longer a presence in the
region, Paraguay might flex its own political muscle a bit more without having
to import 27,000 barrels of petroleum for consumption each day, including
Venezuela’s former allotment. That is, should Paraguay find massive amounts of
its own oil.
Experts like Buerba note that
big name British firms, that sell their petroleum products to US markets, are
also excited about survey finds in Paraguay. Unlike smaller oil companies that
do not have access to enough credit to start exploratory drilling, these bigger
firms have the necessary funds. Some estimates portend that Paraguay houses at
least 1.1 billion barrels of extractible oil; others show that the Chaco region
alone has several billion barrels. For an ocean-less country landlocked in the
middle of South America, future profits from such stores promise a huge boon to
Paraguay’s economy. Moreover, any PPPs that Paraguay currently considers would help
ameliorate infrastructural deficits that arise, also mitigating Paraguay’s lack
of sea access. Buerba notes, however, that there is still no need to assume
that Paraguay intends to completely privatize any oil resources. It already has
policy in place (laws of fiscal responsibility) to ensure that state entities
do not overspend or indebt the country past a specific limit. Indebting the
nation all in the name of cheapening extraction for foreign private interests
is very much a concern to this nation that stands to gain so much.
While many already
oil-producing nations and their governments rely on their respective regulated
economies to supply US demand, the effects of trade with the US differ from one
nation to the next. Paraguay is not immune to this fact, especially not as it
stands to become a big player in the international oil game. As is the case
with many poor Latin American nations lacking refining and extraction
technologies, Paraguay is free to involve itself with big oil’s private firms
in the hopes of reaching the US as easily as possible. But despite any laws
that Paraguay has developed to more safely capitalize on extraction, the
underlying purpose of such policy is also to attract foreign firms with backing
all their own. The results are sometimes cheap from the outset, but not
necessarily the best for long-term development.
What makes Paraguay unique
within the context of the current global energy game is that a large share of
Paraguay’s energy comes from hydroelectric generation at the Itaipu Dam (on the
border of Brazil and Paraguay). Paraguay itself does not depend so much on
petroleum for its energy needs, as the US and other American nations do.
According to what the Paraguayan government tells experts like Buerba, the
country only utilizes about one-fifth of its hydroelectric generation capacity.
This also means that, with improvements in distribution, Paraguay might
eventually further capitalize on hydroelectric energy, while also profiting
from its hydrocarbon energy. For now, Paraguay still lacks in major
infrastructural areas that slow its progress toward these ends.
The difficulties that come with
developing nations having to navigate PPPs often resemble deregulation and
economic liberalization. A developing nation’s poor often get prostituted in
order to reward foreign shareholders at the close of the stock market each day.
But what many governments, like that of Paraguay can do, is choose to help
their people achieve an equitable reallocation of profits. Revenue can then
serve some social utility in many unprecedented ways. Furthermore, a radically
democratic distribution of incoming wealth - most often from oil and gas - can
replace rich-world models that stratify revenue and divides the poor working
class against itself. The first option has quite socialist ends, but ends that
can truly help to develop a democratic and sovereign nation nevertheless. The
second route is part of a long and doomed experiment with economic
liberalization; it renders many poor nations servile to private foreign
interest, despite their wealth in resources and sundry commodities.
Ultimately, the economic
benefits that stem from trade with such avaricious markets, like those in the
US, can help developing nations like Paraguay - nations that seek to further
democratize their societies in the 21st century. Democratically, the
people can benefit from foreign consumption. The political potential of such
economic maneuvering might even surpass the potential energy locked inside the
hydrocarbon bonds that give rise to new political strength in the first place.
The governments of such nations, however, must first and foremost have the
people in mind when dealing with some of capitalism’s greediest entities. With
them, it is the money that counts, not the many.
Pimentel lives on the Mexican-US border. Much of his work
can be found on Axis of Logic, CounterPunch, Dissident Voice and News Junkie
Post. You can follow him on Twitter @mateo_pimentel.