By Victoria Parker in Ukraine, with commentary by Paul Richard Harris
Axis of Logic
Friday, Jul 4, 2014
We read the news, we see the videos, we listen to the propaganda. If we're fair-minded, we try to find the truth hidden in all the rhetoric rather than just swallowing whole whatever the TV talking-head tells us. But we never hear the voices of those most affected by turbulent times.
Victoria Parker has pieced together, from a variety of interviews, the views of some people who have no real stake in the political or military squabble, but whose very future is on the line.
The children of Donbass speak:
Ksyusha, age 6, Lugansk:
- Most of all I am afraid that my Mom and Dad will be killed. Then I will not be able to save my 6 month old brother. It would be better I got killed.
Serezha, age 4, Lugansk province:
- My Dad went to war. Mom and Grandma cry every day and say nothing to me. This makes me scared even more … Maybe my Dad has gone already?
Sasha, age 3, Donetsk province:
Tanya, age 5, Mariupol:
- What we have here is scarier than horror movies. Funerals take place every day…
Sveta, age 4, Slavyansk:
- Our house was bombed. My Mom, Grandma and I then lived in a basement. When another bomb fell in our yard again I started to stutter.
Vanya, age 4, Kramatorsk:
- When bomb thumped, I got scared and wet myself. Now, every night, when I hear thunder, I wet myself, and my Mother looks at me and cries a lot ...
Sergey, age 8, Lugansk province:
- I am not afraid to die, but if my Mother, Father and Grandmother are killed I won’t be able to live through this.
Eugenia, age 9, Donetsk province:
- During the war we began to believe in God for real, without pretending. Because we understand, only God can defend us…
Tamara, age 6, refugee from Slavyansk:
- The war happens when all around you is only evil, but the good are killed and buried somewhere far away.
It would be nice if some of the adults paid attention.
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