ne sais pas qui je suis:” Cynthia
McKinney’s Analysis of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre
paper seeks to establish that for citizens to turn their bellicose state into
one that espouses peace, they must be aware of the operation not only of their
Public State, but also of their Deep State. Moreover, this paper establishes that The Deep State acts for reasons
that are not always readily apparent and in ways that are not always apparently
legal. On some occasions, The Deep State
even acts in ways that could be considered treasonous. The Public State then lies to cover up the
actions of The Deep State. Insightful
citizens understand government lies, but may not be aware of the operation of
The Deep State. This paper argues that
in order for citizens to turn belligerent governments into peaceful ones, they
must understand that a powerful clue has been emitted whenever the government
narrative doesn’t make sense. Therefore,
under these circumstances, the patriotic act is disbelief of the government
narrative thereby rendering the actions of The Deep State dysfunctional. Finally, this paper examines the Charlie
Hebdo tragedy in light of past “Deep Events” that include the 1963
assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the 2005 London Bombing.
Dr. Cynthia McKinney |
This is an excerpt from Dr. McKinney’s
essay published in Voices
for Peace: Leading Scholars and Activists Examine America’s Modern Wars, published by the Plymouth Institute for
Peace Research. The book also features original contributions from Noam Chomsky, Kathy Kelly,
John Pilger, Ilan Pappé, and many other activists and scholars.
“Je suis Charlie” protests. |
to a recent internet search, at least five major mainstream media outlets
produced a timeline of the Charlie Hebdo events. On January 7, the date of this murderous
event, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) produced a timeline of
events complete with a map and audio of an English-speaking witness.1
The CBC article includes that the gunmen shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they entered
the Hebdo office. The Telegraph newspaper in London and the International Business Times in New York City
followed suit on January 8 with their timelines.2 The
Guardian, The Independent, EuroNews, and CNN all published timelines,
also. This is the most basic set of
events in all of the timelines:
before 11:30 am, a car arrives in front of
Charlie Hebdo office and two masked and hooded individuals get out from
it. They are given access to the office
by an employee just arriving for work.
after 11:30 am gunmen depart Hebdo
office and engage in three police encounters that include gunfire and result in
the death of one police officer lying on the ground. They carjack a car and make their getaway.
2:00 that afternoon, the hashtag (#), “Je suis Charlie,” had become a global
social media trend.
The gunmen hide their faces but take their ID cards. |
Muslims all over the planet began to apologize for what had happened, already,
citizen journalists and members of the global Truth Movement found
inconsistencies in the details of the French Government’s official narrative of
the Charlie Hebdo events. At first, the
video of the shooting of the police officer was blacked out. But, later, un-blacked-out footage emerged
that clearly showed that the police officer was not shot at all by the gunmen
in the footage that had been circulated on most media websites. Even today,
when we know that un-blacked-out footage exists and is widely available
elsewhere, on the International Business Times website, the blacked-out video
is labeled with a caution: “Graphic
footage: Police officer shot by Paris gunmen.”3
Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., former
Assistant Treasury Secretary for Economic Policy under Republican President
Ronald Reagan, was among the first to publish his own compilation of
inconvenient findings in his column, “Suspicions are growing that the French
shootings are a false flag operation.”4 Roberts, noting that the
effect of the tragic events was to bring France back into line after French
President, Hollande, had spoken against Washington-inspired sanctions against
Russia and to stop Europe’s slide toward support of Palestinian aspirations for
self-determination through a real and viable state, lists the following as
questions, originally pointed out by members of the Truth Movement, and
unanswered by the official narrative:
A) The suicide of the police chief in charge of
the Hebdo investigation;
B) YouTube’s removal of the un-blacked-out video
footage due to “shocking and disgusting content”;
C) An analysis and display of the un-blacked-out
video footage of the shooting of the police officer showing no blood, no
recoil, no head fragments splattering.
No blood. No head jerk. No recoil. No way. |
January 13, Jonathan Cook, prize-winning journalist based in Nazareth, draws
from the same un-blacked-out video as Roberts that seems to show that the
police officer who the French government and media say was shot in the head,
was, in fact, not shot in the head. After reviewing the video, Cook draws two conclusions: that the
authorities lied about the cause of the policeman’s death and the media simply
“regurgitated an official story that does not seem to fit the available
January 18, 2015, the blog, Panamza, published an article that listed several
inconsistencies. The article is
entitled, “Fuite des terrorists de Charlie Hebdo: un trajet impossible.”6
This article describes the flight of the Charlie Hebdo attackers as “an
impossible route.” This story is based
on yet another video showing their departure as one that contradicts the
official narrative. Finally, addressing this thorny issue, Panamza reports that
Paris’s Chief Prosecutor, François Molins, at a press conference on January 9,
2015 gives the getaway route of the perpetrators.
Sort of like the Warren
Commission’s Theory of the Magic Bullet that struck Texas Governor John
Connolly and killed President Kennedy, but was substantially unscathed when
found on a hospital stretcher.
Google Maps,” members of the public are seeking to answer the question, “Which
way did they go?”
Commenting further on yet another citizen
analysis blog, appears the following commentary: “I made an itinerary of the place where the
first car was abandoned and the place where the attackers supposedly hijacked
one of the witnesses. It is impossible. The witness lies.”
On January 13, 2015, Reuters published a video,
republished by Panamza, that directly contradicted the official getaway
version. In fact, the official getaway
version caused more people, familiar with the neighborhood, to join the Hebdo
Truth Movement.
Finally, the revelation—not really, but
just a reminder—of a chance encounter between French President Sarkozy and
Amedy Coulibaly, where the latter asked the former for a job and then years
later, terrorized a Kosher grocery store!7
In my
lifetime, the Truth Movement began the day everyone in the government
subscribed to “The Magic Bullet Theory” in the murder of President Kennedy.
People who have impacted me deeply asked important questions at that time of a
government that was not forthcoming. For
example, in 2013, I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Cyril Wecht, who
investigated the President’s autopsy report on behalf of the American Medical
Association. He did not believe the
official government narrative of what happened to President Kennedy after
studying that report and did not believe it when I interviewed him fifty years
later. Dr. Cyril Wecht became a member of The Truth Movement only after he had
been entrusted to study important information as a result of many objections to
the government’s narrative. Dr. Wecht became a source of information and
inspiration for many important others.
Inspection of the government’s official
narrative of the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. also reveals certain
anomalies that, at first, just don’t add up. For example, it was testified in
the 1999 trial establishing that there was a government conspiracy to murder
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that the order was given by Jesse Jackson to have
the local armed group, The Invaders, to leave the Lorraine Motel only minutes
before the assassination. In order to make sense of all of the puzzle pieces
individually and as a whole, each bit of information must be put into
perspective by devising a completely new way of looking at it, even questioning
“conventional wisdom”—whatever that is.8
Dr. King’s murder. |
This questioning of conventional wisdom or
even what is taken to be the prevailing “common sense” at the time is what can
produce breakthroughs in understanding.
Like connecting the dots in that famous photograph of the Black person
touching Dr. King on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel after he had been shot.
According to testimony in the trial, that person was Merrell McCullough,
then-Officer with the Memphis Police Department, and infiltrator of the group,
The Invaders, later, at the time of the 1999 trial, employed by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA).9
Thus, yet another Truth Movement emerged
around the murder of Dr. King.
One of the popular street researchers in
this area was Steve Cokely who proclaimed at one of his lectures, that his job
was to translate the tedious minutiae of the 1999 trial into people-speak so
that the average ordinary person who was impacted by the murder of Dr. King
could understand what had happened and why it mattered. Truth Warriors like Steve Cokely are never
rewarded by the state—or for that matter, the public at large—and suffer like
the whistleblowers that they are—for their dedication to getting the truth out
about these tragic events. At best,
ignored by the special interest press, their daily labor is without recognition
or award.
A powerful moment in The Truth Movement
occurred when JFK researchers joined with MLK researchers and then began
delving into the facts of the other important assassinations of the
decade: Malcolm X; President Kennedy’s
brother, Robert Kennedy, who, himself was poised to become the next President
of the United States. The COINTELPRO Papers provided a treasure trove of
information on the government’s orchestrated attacks on peace activists during
the Anti-Vietnam War era, as well as social movement activists working the
streets of the U.S. for social and economic justice for African-Americans,
Puerto Ricans, American Indians, Mexican-Americans and their supporters.
The Church Committee went further and
exposed assassination attempts on foreign leaders and the infiltration of every
aspect of social, religious, and academic life by U.S. intelligence, including
breaches of the U.S. Constitution. What
would be surprising is if a Truth Movement did not arise from the revelations.
After September 11, 2001, all Members of
Congress were told that we were hit because we were free and that we should
tell that to our constituents. All over
the U.S., Members of Congress dutifully repeated that official narrative. But not me. I couldn’t stoop so low when I understood that the United States had
invested trillions of dollars in an intelligence and military infrastructure
and on one day that infrastructure failed four times—including at the Pentagon,
itself! September 11, 2001 created a new
generation of Truthers because the U.S. government’s official narrative was so
unbelievable. And as September 11 is the excuse for draconian legislation that snatches civil liberties from U.S.
citizens and creates an illusion of support for U.S.-led wars all over the
world, more and more people are heeding Paul Craig Roberts’s plea to people to
just use their brains and think…
Dr. McKinney’s complete essay is
available in Voices
for Peace, along
with articles by Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Kathy Kelly, and many others.
Editor's Comment: Note the video evidence of the officer allegedly shot in the head is available on YouTube, but restricted to those who have a YouTube account. At the bottom of the article referenced in Note 5 below you can find a fully accessible version.
1. CBC News,
“Charlie Hebdo newspaper shooting timeline: At least a dozen are dead, and
numerous people were injured,” January 7, 2015,
accessed on January 30, 2015.
2. The Telegraph and
International Business Times timelines
respectively, accessed on January 30, 2015.
3. Shuan Sim, “Paris
Attack Video: Gunmen Filmed Shootout with Police Officer,” International
Business Times
4. Paul Craig
Roberts, “Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag
operation,” accessed on January 30, 2015.
5. Jonathan Cook,
“What Hebdo execution video really shows,” January 13, 2015,
accessed on January 30, 2015.
6. Panamza, “Fuite
des terrorists de Charlie Hebdo: un trajet impossible,” accessed on January 29, 2015.
7. Le Parisien,
“Amedi, 27 ans, rencontre Sarkozy cet après-midi,” July 15, 2009
accessed on January 30, 2015.
8. Complete
Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial,
Testimony of Charles Cabbage, 161 – 162
accessed on January 30, 2015.
9. Complete
Trial Transcript, Testimony of Dr. Smith, 141 accessed on January 30, 2015.