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NRA wants Muslim 'no-go' zones in US Printer friendly page Print This
By Staff Writers, teleSUR
Wednesday, Apr 15, 2015

A man examines weapons in the exhibit hall at an NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. | Photo: AFP

Americans have the least warm feeling towards Muslims compared to other religious groups in the United States, a recent survey suggests.

“The street signs suddenly went from English to Arabic,” a speaker at the annual meeting of the United Sates National Rifle Association’s, or NRA, told supporters of gun ownership on Tuesday. Steve Tarani, an author and self-proclaimed trainer and security expert, spoke for about an hour at the NRA seminar about the threats facing the U.S. from Muslim “settlements” gaining foothold in different cities in the U.S.

The speaker went on to describe his personal experience as he entered one of those “Muslim-controlled” neighborhoods.

“I have seen it with my own eyes, witnessed it in the backseat of a car and it is for real. No-go zones exist in the United States,” Tarani said.

According to Tarani's friend from the Detroit police department, the Muslim-majority Dearborn, a city in the state of Michigan, has zones where police can not go. “’We don’t go past this line.’ And I said to Jeremy, ‘what do you mean? You guys are Detroit Metro. You’re the SWAT team. You can go anywhere you want. What if you get a call over there?’ He said ‘this is it, it’s hazardous for our team if we go past this line,’” Tarani was quoted as saying in a report by Think Progress Magazine.

“It’s possible that at least 20 percent of what comes over that border — that’s a big number, guys — is Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ethiopian al shabaab, known gang members and supports of the cartel,” he explained to the audience. (Al-Shabab is a Somali extreme Islamist group and not an Ethiopian one, as mentioned by Tarani.)

He also claimed that those settlements were subject to Sharia Law, the Islamic Law that some Muslim countries partly adhere to. Those comments echo the same nonfactual statements that were made on the U.S. based Fox News network earlier this year.

In January a Fox News “expert” claimed that Muslim extremists have taken over zones, where they applied Sharia Law, in several European countries including the United Kingdom. Steven Emerson, Fox News terrorism expert, even showed maps of where those zones were during an interview. While known to be extremely biased against Muslims in the U.S., Fox News network in fact apologized four times during one day for what it called “errors” that had no factual grounds made by the expert.

The remarks drew a massive backlash, including a bashing comment from the prime minister of the U.K., David Cameron, who called the Fox News expert “a complete idiot”.

Such comments, made by Tarani and by uninformed experts on U.S. TV channels, could incite deeper negative sentiment against Muslims citizens of the U.S.. According to a 2014 survey by Pew Research Center, Muslims in America were viewed as the least favorite religious group by Americans.

The remarks, which Tarani has provided no evidence for, come less than two months after three Muslim-American students were killed at their home at Chapel Hill town, in the state of North Carolina. On April 9, a judge ruled that the shooter of the three students could face the death penalty if found guilty.

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