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UK politico knows how to stop migrants: Shoot 'em Printer friendly page Print This
By Staff Writers, teleSUR
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2015

Steve Uncles | Photo: Facebook

British politician Steve Uncles has become infamous after he declared that migrants trying to reach the UK from Calais should be shot to deter them to seeking asylum. 

“The only cost-effective way to stop illegal immigrants trying to storm through the Channel Tunnel is to set up a machine gun and take out a few people – that would stop it very quickly and immediately cut dead this tactic...who has got the guts to do this in our politically correct society?” said the English Democrat in a rant on Facebook.

Social media users have turned out en masse with messages rejecting the statements made by Uncles, who is running as a candidate to be the Kent Police Crime Commissioner in next year’s election.

“In most states, the border control guards are armed and that acts as a deterrent to those trying to climb a fence because they know they risk being shot,” he continued.

On Monday, the British government announced a series of tough new measures designed to discourage illegal migration to the U.K.  that allow landlords to evict a tenant whose claims for asylum have been refused, this process could be permitted without a court order.

Calais is a major ferry port in northern France, which overlooks the Strait of Dover, the narrowest point in the English Channel connecting the United Kingdom and France. Authorities have said around 4,000 migrants are currently camped there, with many making nightly bids to reach Britain.

Recent official data suggest that more than 2,000 asylum seekers have stormed the Channel Tunnel in recent days with most of them coming from conflict zones like Syria, Eritrea or Afghanistan.

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