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Guess who the often quoted 'Syrian Human Rights Activists' is? Printer friendly page Print This
By Igor Konashenkov, ICH
Information Clearing House
Monday, Jan 18, 2016

General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesperson for the Russian defense ministry said the ministry has found out who is behind the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which distributes information blackmailing the Russian Aerospace Force grouping in Syria. According to the official, the man moved to the United Kingdom after serving three terms in Syria. "The first throwing-in of false information about claimed victims in the Russian air strikes appeared in social networks and some western media well before our mission in the Syrian Arab Republic began," he said. "Most information was distributed on behalf of so-called ‘Syrian human rights activists’."

In "distribution" of the statements made by those "human rights activists" participate, as a rule, some foreign media, which use most often the organisation called the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights," with headquarters in the United Kingdom, he said. The defense ministry’s representative said over recent five years the organization’s head and sole employee was the man called Ossama Suleiman, who moved to the UK in 2000 after having served three prison terms in Syria and who took the nickname of Rami Abdurrahman.

"In his many interviews with the western media this mister every time stresses all the information he publishes comes to him personally on the phone from trusted sources," the defence ministry’s spokesman said in conclusion. "Thus, that network of the so-called reporting human activists is active right under the nose of Islamic State and other extremists. At the same time, for some reason, they would not see the atrocities of those terrorists."

West considers 49 civilian deaths insignificant in Syria operation planning The spokesman also pointed out that the Western coalition considers the death of 49 civilians as insignificant in Syria operation planning while the Russian military excludes such risks in its plans. "Our aviation does not even plan air strikes on such targets in the event of a threat of civilian deaths. However, the Western coalition can just allow itself to consider the death of 49 civilians as insignificant," Konashenkov said. According to the Russian general, CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr said that the US military had told her that the American command made decisions on delivering such air strikes on condition that the number of civilian deaths would not exceed 50 people.
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