By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III), Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Wednesday, Jul 13, 2016
Lay-deeeeze and Gruntlemen...
welcome to the World Wrestling Federation of Empire!
where the results are rigged (but who cares
because the entertainment value is off the Nielsen charts)--
the Iowa primary by a coin toss,
1, 2, 3? million votes not counted in California,[1]
the media declaring Hillary a winner
as if the media counts the votes.
In this corner The Orange Donald!
racist remarks; the business acumen
of a squirrel who can't remember where he stores his nuts;
his saving grace that he might actually talk with Putin
instead of demonize him and Russia.
And in the other corner the Bug-Eyed Blonde Billary!
overthrowing, er, body-slamming democratically
elected governments in Libya, Honduras, Ukraine;
a slap on the wrist for indictable offenses of national security;[2]
liar, liar, her dress, er, wears the pants in the family on fire;
her saving grace...
Lay-deeeeze and Gruntlemen...
you won't want to miss this
media extravaganza...
heated water-cooler discussions about who is less evil,
vote! simply because, as Oprah might say, she has a vajayjay,
vote! simply because he says whatever’s on his mindless.
Everyone knows money talks
so watch them lie through their buck-teeth,
see their grotesque facial expressions and gestures
it’s enough to make you spill your beer
and isn’t that the point? a chance to let off some steam,
a little time to get away from the oppression of bill-paying,
job-searching... watch the wrestlers gorge
on thousands of dollars donation plates,
enough to make Nathan’s hot dog eating contest-winner
look like a drooling toddler,
we know it’s not really democracy but what the heck
it’s the most adrenal rushing spectacle in town after town.
Watch these elites sweat, feel the holy perspiration
as it flies from the ring after each verbal body-slam,
the audience christened and suddenly coming alive
from their daily dose of sterilized texting and screen-savings-and-loan...
Lay-deeeeze and Gruntlemen...
welcome to the World Wrestling Federation of Empire!
Sit back but you won’t be able to relax with this months-long diss fest guaranteed to boil the water-cooler
“Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.”[3]
“Donald Trump meets Republican foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger”[4]
“Last year, [2015] reviewing Kissinger’s World Order for The Washington Post, Clinton said that 'Kissinger is a friend' and admitted that she 'relied on his counsel.'”[5]
“Henry Kissinger’s “mad and illegal” bombing: What you need to know about his real history — and why the Sanders/Clinton exchange matters”[6]
In February 2016 “Sanders fired back at Clinton for seeking foreign-policy wisdom from the Vietnam-era secretary of state. 'I find it rather amazing,' Sanders said, 'given that I happen to believe that Kissinger was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country. I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger.”[7]
Sanders now a water-boy for the Bug-Eyed Blonde Billary.
Lay-deeze and Gruntleman...
the Bible speaks of good vs. evil
but in the church of WWFE
it's the battle of the lesser of two evils
that makes for no holds barred good entertainment!
1. “How Bernie Won California: The official un-count”
2. “Clinton’s Web of Deceit: She Lied and Lied Again”
and “FBI Director James Comey Breaks Federal Prosecutor Rules by Smearing but Not Indicting Clinton Over Emails” and
Jill Stein “Why Hillary Clinton Should be Prosecuted for Reckless Abuses of National Security”
3. “Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid”
4. Click here.
5. “ Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton’s Tutor in War and Peace”
6. Click here.
7. Ibid.
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet on Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. His new book of genre-bending poetic-nonfiction is “Musings With The Golden Sparrow.” You can contact him via his literary website.
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