By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III), Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2017
You know the police state military industrial complex
has gone too far
when athletes of one of the most violent sports
refuse to stand for the national anthem,
instead going down on one knee,
a humble proposal
for stopping the slaughter
of People of color
in the streets.
And for not pledging allegiance to the almighty Whitey
the reality show referee tweets:
football players should be fired,
fans should refuse to attend games
(whatta savvy business plan!)
More and more people
(including a 97-year-old WW II vet)
it’s a knee reaction to a jerk
system, let’s face it,
the US needs
a knee replacement,
believe me
I’m praying
for a speedy as a wide-receiver recovery,
you catch my drift?
Maybe Gil Scott-Heron was wrong after all
and the revolution will be televised
on primetime Monday Night Football,
a moment of silence . . .
broken by the crunch
of a couch snack . . .
it was fun while it lasted,
the Oakland Raiders playing the Washington Redskins
on a stolen grass field
underneath which are buried
the ancestors of Native Peoples.
~ Mankh (Walter E. Harris III)
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet on Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. His recent books include “Musings With The Golden Sparrow” and “Drive-thru Theofascism & The Hero's Journey.” To read his new blog, go to ScribeVibe
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