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By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III), | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Saturday, Nov 18, 2017

Ice age, stone age, bronze age,
iron age and the middle ages,

space age, information age,
bondage, turn the pages.
Wrestling with middle-aged,
sucking up the new age
but when push comes to Black Friday shove
it’s the PackAge.
They let you track-a-package
as far as the e-eye can see
but what about clean water and relief,
pinpoint delivery to a foreign or home country?
Xmas time is coming
just sign on the X................... dotted line,
Amazon will ship you in spades but in the true Amazon
Indigenous Peoples killed for a gold mine.[1]
Amazon gets tax-breaks
hence discounts galore,
while Bozo’s making billions
at the expense of the mom-and-pop store.
And the House of Representatives “approved the nearly
$700 billion National Defense Authorization Act of 2018
that aims to boost war outlays by $80 billion”[2]
-- if not this, then WTF is a crime scene?
The media hype talks-up the enemy du jour
priming the petrol pump for the war-hawk’s meal,
it’s a vicious cycle of bravado and bombs
a sick business-as-usual PackAge deal.
Now many a gift comes nicely wrapped
just think of the tasty banana,
but not everyone can afford to pray and wait
for a spiritual delivery of manna.
The US Treasury, Facebook, YouCaring and WePay blocked
“relief fundraising to Iran quake victims,”[3]
such petty fine print deserves an un-humanitarian award
be given to those fascist rectums.
“How refreshing, the whinny of a packhorse
unloaded of everything!”
                                                 ~ Zen Saying
[1] “Uncontacted People Still Being Massacred in Amazonia
[2] “House Approves $700B 'Cash Cow for Weapons Companies'—But Single Payer 'Too Expensive'
[3] “US Treasury blocks relief fundraising to Iran quake victims” &
US sanctions snag donations to Iran earthquake victims

Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer, he is a small press publisher and Turtle Islander. This essay includes excerpts from his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”.

 Copyright 2017 by

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