By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic
Friday, Sep 28, 2018
“We see your tech no logical society devour you before your very eyes
we hear your anguished cries exalting greed through progress while you
seek material advances the sound of flowers dying carry messages
through the wind trying to tell you about balance and your safety”
- John Trudell, from “Look At Us” (1983)
Some crunch the numbers of CO2
some debate whether climate change is true,
some say there’s cloud seeding
but you don’t need a weatherman to know there’s violent greeding.
“3.4 million chickens and 5,500 hogs killed in Florence’s flooding”,[1]
factory farming concentration camps for fast fooding
and North Carolina denied the science[2], exclaiming ‘What’s gonna harm ya?’
but Florence answered and it’s not rocket science: weather karma.
They talk and talk and talk and talk
and talk about projections,
they balk and balk and balk and balk
and balk at making corrections.
By 2025 or so, they say that cars with their emissions
will suddenly miraculously improve our breathing conditions,
meanwhile: the sounds of hogs and chickens dying,
i did not know them personally, yet still am almost crying.
The John Wayne of corporations, Duke Energy, not aghast
claiming non-toxicity of spewn coal ash,[3]
whether truth or lying--
listen: the sounds of rivers crying.[4]
And all along the WatchTower flashes the corporate news
about Supreme Court nomination and the right to choose,
sponsored by the biggest rapists spanning multi-nations
but there’s no mention of those media giants or extractivist energy corporations.
i wish no harm on anyone
but there’s one thing i’d like supplying,
into the headphoned ears of all the control rooms
the sounds of chickens and hogs and rivers dying.
It’s good to plan to change the ways of rampant destruction
and learning to live sustainably is needing big instruction,
yet many issues in front of our faces needing immediate attention
so let’s address them rapidly by starting with a mention....
[1] “3.4 Million Chickens, 5,500 Hogs Killed in Florence's Flooding”
[2] “North Carolina politicians have decried the climate-change science that makes Hurricane Florence so dangerous”
[3] “Florence’s Floodwaters Breach Defenses at Duke Energy Plant, Sending Toxic Coal Ash Into River.” &
“After Florence, coal ash sites near Goldsboro 'completely underwater'”
[4] “NASA can see dark, polluted Carolina rivers spilling into the ocean from space”
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. See his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”.
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