By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic Exclusive
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The burqa was banned in public
but now it’s all the rage,
the world’s gone Kabuki theater
but where it’s all going is hard to gauge.
Used to be just Halloween
and Groucho glasses for a joke
but this is some serious shit going down
so a bobblehead Fauci made in China won’t get you woke.
The Zapatistas donned balaclavas
since 1994 with revolutionary prayer,
way before the make America prez again
Donned orange hair.
Everybody’s saving face,
saving dollars and toilet paper,
as to where the c-virus actually started
still a mysterious caper.
You can always look on the bright side,
takes effort but worth the task,
at least you can see everybody’s eyes
because we’re not all wearing gas masks.
And you could fall in love quite easily
with the eyes above the mask,
only later to find out he/she/they has an overbite
and a nose like a boxer been bashed.
With women having more say in the world
they say it’s the Age of the Sacred Feminine
which signals the end of the patriarchy
and diminishing of the maskuline.
Yet another term being bandied about
less spooky is the face-covering,
with a lesson being handed out:
the world needs more mothering.
Keep an eye on family and friends
with prayers for the human race
and do what you can for healing the natural world
while also protecting your space.
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. See his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”.
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