By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
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Saturday, Jul 4, 2020
Nowadays i aim for little victories,
tomatoes growing in small pots
on the concrete patio, eliciting a “hullo”
from an unfriendly neighbor, extra mileage
from a box of tissues, finding a news article
where someone changed the course
of a history of harmful actions,
avoiding arguments,
savoring the morning coffee
with all the non-greedy ingredients – water, half-and-half,
echinacea root powder from the underground,
honey from the bees from the flowers from the roots
from the underground movement . . .
yet on the back burner simmering, in my back pocket
a message folded ready to read aloud, on the back
of the kitchen cabinet shelf, in the backyard
in the back of my mind, in the back parking lot
at the back of the line the sudden demise ―
of behaviors and miserly thinking obstructing
the flow of rivers,
spirals of currents of air,
the earthworms’ ability
they l
anyone’s ability for wriggling wherever
they need be wriggling enhancing the flow
of friendly vibes, yes, this movement
feeding the movement of our feet
no fighting between left and right,
simply being in the center place at the center time,
no back, no front,
all the feet following
where the spirit of the underground movement
moves each of us . . .
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. See his new book of nonfiction with a poetic touch, “photo albums of the heart-mind”.
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