By Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) | Axis of Logic
Axis of Logic exclusive
Friday, Dec 4, 2020
Thankslesstaking Thursday
Black Friday Matters?
“Saturday, in the park, you’d think it was the Fourth of July”
Whoa, chill man, “Easy like Sunday morning” rest up for
click like cray-cray Cyber Monday
go generous for Gimme-Gimme Tuesday
what? no Woke Wednesday
for masses of people unemployed and accessing food banks
as the foggy shopping season comes
on little alley-cat’s hungry feet
online shopping a god-send overnight shipping
at no charge for $50 or more
for those not risking donning mask apparel
as the birth of the vaccine savior hovers on the horizon
like a half-baked rat-tested dark cloud
maybe a cleansing life-saving rain for some
but i ain’t gonna work on Big Maggie’s Pharma no more
b-cuz so-called “experts still don’t know the long-term effects
of the vaccines and won’t know until after the trials are completed
and researchers monitor participants in the real world for years after.”
Real world?!
Can anyone tell me how
Frankincense and Myrrh
became Flatscreen and Mall?
Sorry if i disappoint you but
“I have no gift to bring pa rum pum pum pum”
but if i listen for days
maybe weeks or by Springtime
i’ll hear that woodpecker tapping the tree of life
“pum pum pum . . . pum pum pum . . . pum pum pum . . .”
quotes and riffs:
Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic, as well as a correspondent-poet for the WUSB 90.1FM radio segment “Radical Words”. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. His website is here.
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