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The Death of the Revolutionary Leader Signals that the Time for Global Revolution is Now! Printer friendly page Print This
By Alexandra Valiente, Editor. Libya 360°
Libya 360°
Saturday, Oct 22, 2011

Leader of the World Revolution



Muʿammar al-Gaddāfī
June 1942 – 20 October 2011

Mu’tasim-Billah al-Gaddafi
1977 – 20 October 2011

Our beloved Brother Leader has fallen, along with his son, Mu’tassim.

My heart grieves with the Gaddafi family who have withstood so much pain and loss.

What they have given to the people of Libya stands as a lasting testament to the greatness and nobility of the human spirit.

Safia, the wife of Mu’ammar and mother of Khamis and Mu’tassim, stated she was proud of her children and husband’s courage.

Let us pause to honor the valiant ones for their heroism, service and sacrifice on behalf not only of Libya but of the people of the world.

The words of the Gaddafi family are both a message to the world and a warning to imperialists everywhere.

Aisha Gaddafi

In August, Aisha Gaddafi stated:

Even if my father and my brothers are martyred, I will continue my fight against Islamic terrorists in Libya. Soon, I will appear in the media to announce the fight against terrorists and Al-Qaeda in Libya and other countries in the world. Let the West and their mercenaries take note; Aisha Kadhafi will never surrender to their conspiracy of evil.

I carry the blood of a heroic father in my veins and I have never known the idea of surrender.

NATO and Western assassins killed my husband and my child. But they must know by now that Aisha Kadhafi is a soldier. Even at the cost of my own life, I will free my country from the clutches of Islamic terrorists and Al Qaeda.

In September she announced to the world:

I will not tell you that victory is approaching, but that we live victorious every day…

…And the Libyan people are still resilient and fighting. I commend these heroes and I congratulate all of the Libyan people, along with your Great Leader, whom I bring relief to you and inform you is currently well. He is well Thank God, and is also faithful to God and remains in high spirits. He bears a weapon and is fighting on the battlefield with his sons, side by side with the Libyan fighters. This is Muammar Gaddafi, putting himself forward to become a fighter and a martyr with his sons. This gives you (the Libyans) the right to be proud of your leader!

I call on the lions of Tripoli, the lions of Tarhouna, the eagles of Wershifanna, and the lions of Assabia and Mashaseeya and Arshaydat and Ajaylat and Awayell to the Lions of the Ancient city of Sabha to the lions of Sirte, Abusleem and El-Hadhba (All tribes within Libya) and all of the heroes of Tripoli, the resilient. And to all Libyan fighters from the West to the South.

I call on you and I call on you, I call on you, I call on you!

I would like to quote my brother, who when I asked him to be careful and look after himself on the front line with his brothers …. I will never forget his words:


To the heroes of Libya, do not disappoint our martyrs. Avenge them, avenge them, avenge them!

General Khamis Gaddafi

In September, General Khamis Gaddafi’s message to his Russian friend was released, from which this excerpt is taken,

Thank you to all my classmates and teachers who have given me a winning spirit, and have taught to adequately assess a combat situation and who have given me valuable combat experience and skills. I am honoured that I had such teachers; time will show I made them proud.

Thanks to all our supporters from Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet countries, especially to the brave souls who are fighting shoulder to shoulder with us to defend my country against the aggression.

We will win or die; no one will give up or run away. To die fighting side by side with warriors is the dream of anyone who defends their country.

Libya has always been ours and will always be ours, even if we die.

Many things have changed in the world. Who would have thought that everything would turn out this way? But remember this is what we studied and prepared ourselves for. We will endure this trial with valour.

I want to make sure that Libya, which is now a river flowing with blood, will be seen by the world, so the world finally sees what the United Nations and the so-called “civilized West” are about.

Our blood is not cheap. None of the traitors will sleep peacefully until the end of my days, I swear by God and by the honour of the Libyan Army Officers.


Mu’tasim Gaddafi

Mu’tasim Gaddafi, on the eve of the October 14th uprising, called for a World Revolution and the final overthrow the global elite. An excerpt follows, but please read the stirring appeal in its entirety.

People of the world!

These words come to you from those who struggle to survive under NATO’s massive criminal bombardments.

Our plight is not covered by Western corporate media.

We are simple people who chose principles over fear.

We have suffered crimes and sanctions, mass murder and looting, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction.

We have endured weeks and months of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of ‘protecting civilians’.

Over 60,000 innocents have died while waiting for a light at the end of a tunnel that has no end, save for the colonization of our country and the theft of our resources.

After the crimes of the administrations of France and Britain in Libya, we have chosen our future.

It is the future of every resistance struggle in the history of humankind.

It is our duty as well as our right to fight back against the forces of colonization and to hold their nations morally and economically responsible for what their elected governments have destroyed and stolen from our land.

It is ironic that the Libyans are to bear the full burden of this immense and ever-deepening conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world!

We ask you to form a worldwide front against war and NATO. A front that is governed by the wise. A front that will bring reform and order and new institutions that would replace the now corrupt. Put an end to them before they destroy the entire world.

Educate those in doubt of the true nature of this conflict.

The sooner a global revolutionary movement is born, the sooner their fall.

Finally, I invite you to read the message of the Brother Leader from October 6th, 2011.

Take it deeply to heart.

He had absolute faith in the Libyan people.

He had faith in Africa and the vision of a sovereign, united continent.

He had faith that the people of the world are ready and capable of liberating themselves from all forms of tyranny and subjugation.

Although the world abandoned him, he had not given up on you.

The battle is far from over.

Be who you were born to be.

You do not know the idea of surrender or defeat.

Revolutionary blood flows in your veins and the courage of every revolutionary that ever lived beats within your heart, driving you forward to the glorious goal.

The time has come to take away the power we have granted the global elite and withdraw our consent to be governed by them. They are illegitimate and not above the law. Do not look to the corrupt institutions to bring the force of law to bear upon them. They must be brought to justice, tried and sentenced by the people of the world.

Rise up and ensure that they find no sanctuary, no safe haven where they can hide from the consequences of their treachery and the enormity of their crimes against humanity and the planet.

Be bold and resolute!

For Libya! For Humanity! For Freedom and a Just World!

Colonel ... Leader ... Revolutionary ... Libyan
Muammar Qaddafi on October 6, 2011:

"The great tribes of Bani Walid, Sirte, Warshfana and Nawhi are strong and well armed. They will never be defeated because honorable people cannot and will never be subjugated!

The people of Libya, the true Libyans, will never accept invasion and colonization.

We will fight for our freedom and are prepared for much sacrifice. The traitors, the colonizers and NATO’s armies will all be defeated!

The traitors have lost trust and confidence between themselves and their masters. They cannot continue because they are divided and intrinsically vulnerable.

The NTC, who gave them legitimacy?

How did they obtain legitimacy?

Did the Libyan people elect them?

Did the Libyan people appoint them?

And if only the power of NATO bombs and fleets grant legitimacy, then let all the rulers in the Third World beware for the same fate awaits you!

To those who recognize this council as legitimate, beware!

There will be transitional councils created everywhere and imposed upon you and one by one, you shall all fall!

I urge all Libyan people to go out and march in the millions in every square, in every city, village and oases.

Go peacefully with all boldness.

Be courageous.

Rise up!

Go forth! Forward!

Raise our proud Green flag to the skies!

Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up. Do not despair. Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!


© Copyright 2011 by Libya 360°

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(photos added by Axis of Logic)

Source: Libya 360°

Axis of Logic Comment: Alexandra Valiente appropriately recalls the words of the Qaddafi family as a memorial to the revolutionary leader and a reminder that his martyrdom marks not the end, but rather the beginning of world revolution against Global Corporate Empire. The NATO rampage on the Qaddafi family began in May of this year. At that time, Aisha Qaddafi stated:

"In 1911 Italy killed my grandfather in an air strike and now they are trying to kill my father. God damn their hands ... They rained down on us their missiles and bombs, they tried to kill me and they killed dozens of children in Libya ... Now a quarter of a century later the same missiles and bombs are raining down on the heads of my and your children ... Talk about Gaddafi stepping down is an insult to all Libyans because Gaddafi is not in Libya, but in the hearts of all Libyans ... Who are the civilians you are protecting? Are they the people who have automatic weapons and hand grenades? Are they the innocent civilians you are trying to protect? ... Leave our skies, take away your aircraft and missiles."

The NATO Mafia Murders Qadaffi's
Youngest Son and 3 of his Grandchildren

May 1, 2011

- Les Blough, Editor

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